
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday Hodge Podge

The Hodgepodge is back, just in time to kiss August goodbye. Thanks for joining in sure to add your link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here before running off to see what your fellow 'laborers' had to say.  Here we go-

1. As August draws to a close, share what's been your favorite weekend of the entire summer.
Memorial Day Weekend/Week was my favorite.  We were at the beach with the Porch People, had an amazing cookout on Memorial Day, and I got to see Ramona, Dustin, and the boys.  It was a great time.   2. Labor Day is marked in the US of A on Monday, September 1st.  What paying job have you held that you've loved the most? Liked the least?
I love teaching.  I have done this the longest.  I don't make a lot of money doing it, but at the end of the day I feel as if I have done something worthwhile.  Least favorite job was waiting tables at Circle A in Dadeville...loved the food....the pay was horrendous. 
3. Does the new school year start before or after Labor Day where you live? When do you think it should begin? There is much discussion now about older students having later start times to their school day...your thoughts?
Our school year began on August 11th.  We are at the halfway point of the six week grading period.  Progress reports will be given out next week.  I like starting in mid-August because I life getting out before Memorial Day.   One year during a teacher strike my name was in the bottom half of the alphabet and we went to school in mid afternoon.  I hated it.  All my friends were in the top half.  I am a morning person and love morning work.  I could see where college style times would be a good thing though.
4. What's something you've worked at recently that could be deemed a 'labor of love'?
Visitation.  As a pastor I am expected to visit and with a full time job it is hard to find time to visit, especially in the nursing homes.  Going there reminds me of sad times and my mom and dad.  It is depressing to go.  I made a pact with myself this year to be better at visitations.  I am doing pretty well so far.  I have put on my big girl panties and am dealing with it.  5. Which of the following work idioms can you most relate to right now...'A woman's work is never done.', 'All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.', or 'Many hands make light work.' 
I hate having to do housework on Saturday's after working all week.  Saturday is my only "real" day off.  It moves so much quicker if Frank offers a hand.  Two hands are definitely faster than one. 
 6. Crab or lobster or thanks, but no thanks? Favorite way to have your choice prepared?
I love them both, but if you make me choose I'd opt for lobster tails over crab.  Favorite way to have them prepared? Steamed with drawn butter on the side.  Yummmo., 
7. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, 'Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Which of the three do you think is most important? Share one of your own 'rules of work'.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity would be mine.  I have always found that when things are the toughest there is always a silver lining waiting there. 
 8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Football season has arrived in the South.  I am not a football fan so this is going to be a long 10+ weeks for me.  I am not looking forward to the bashing that has already begun on social media.  Are you a huge football fan for a local team?  What team do you root for? 

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