Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hodgepodge -Volume 223

Hello Fellow Hodgepodgers! One item of business before we get to this week's questions...according to Joyce, our hostesss with the moistest, there will not be any Hodgepodge next week (June 9/10).  It's crunch time here in terms of her move, and she'll be busy signing papers and hauling bins and boxes from here to there. Thank you for understanding! The HP will return the week after-June 16/17. Once you answer today's questions, link up with Joyce by clicking here.

Now back to this we go-

1. What's something you're looking forward to in the month of June?  Vacation.  I am hoping for a few days in Knoxville to see my friends Chuck and Sue and a few days at the beach.  I want to pack and go somewhere.
2. In what way have you come full circle? 
My parents began in Alabama....I began in Florida....we all ended up in Alabama.  I accepted Christ in Roanoke, AL when I was 9 at Uncle Leon's church...Frank and I now live and serve Christ in the Roanoke area. Talk about a God thing.
3. Lonely Planet lists 
10 spots in America you should see in 2015 and the reasons why. How many on the list have you seen? Which one on the list would you most like to see? I have been to almost all of them...I would love to see North Conway, NH....and would love to return to Mount Shasta, Colorado River Region....and Western South Dakota.  They were lovely the first time.  Greenville is awesome and everyone should go at least once...visit Mast's General Store, look for the little mice...and eat wings at the Wild Wing Café.  It is lovely in the fall.  
4. A song that describes your mood right now?
Anticipation.  We are waiting for the lawyers office to call so we can finally let go of my mom's house.  I thought I was going to be spending all summer empting it out....but the guy offered us a couple of thousand less than we had agreed upon and said he would do all the work....Done deal!  I will be glad when I can put this behind me.  My parents (well my mom) were hoarders...if you have seen the have seen this house.
5. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry short cake, strawberry pie, or strawberries right off the vine...your favorite? 
All of the above.  I LOVE strawberries....right off the vine would be my choice if I truly had to pick one.
Aesop's birthday is celebrated on June 4th, although there is some disagreement as to whether or not that's accurate, or if he was even a real person. Regardless, the name Aesop is associated to this day with many well known fables. Which of the following best applies to something in your life right now? The Tortoise and the Hare (Slow and Steady wins the race), The Ant and the Grasshopper (Be prepared), The Fox and the Goat (Look before you leap) or The Crow and the Pitcher (Necessity is the mother of invention)?  The Ant and The Grasshopper....hurricane season is upon us and we discovered everyone of our flashlights had dead batteries.  It is off to Walmart to get some more. 
7. The answer is yes...what's the question?  Am I enjoying my summer right now?  Do I love my husband and children?  Am I excited about Lyndi's baby being born?  Am I a Christian?  Which yes do you want?

8. Insert your own random thought here. I was thinking of summer memories....and since I grew up in South Florida....the beach was something we did year round.  Once a year however....we would go to Sanibel Island and Captiva.  Some of my grandest memories are there...and my very first love.  I was around 10.  He was from up north....I don't even remember his name....but I do remember collecting sand dollars, holding hands, and walking on the beach.....time there was idyllic.  The funny thing is....our parents did not have to entertain us....neither of us had electronic games.....and there were no amusement parks.  Kids today are missing making some of the greatest memories ever.  What is one of your best childhood vacation memories.


Unknown said...

God has a way of taking care of everything and He surely did that with your mom's house. What a blessing!! Now you can enjoy the summer more!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a nice vacation! Good song for waiting. Love your "yes" questions.

Becki said...

Sounds like a huge relief to enjoy your summer without having to empty your mom's house!

Wendy said...

Result on the house. Although are you sure there aren't any real valuables tucked away that might be worth retrieving?
Enjoy your vacation time.