![forums: [url=http://www.imagesbuddy.com/ash-wednesday-ash-cross-sign ...](https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/AHLU9Mv7gW_EFt8BvloOsQ--/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2g9MzA2O3E9OTU7dz00MDA-/http://www.imagesbuddy.com/images/175/ash-wednesday-ash-cross-sign-on-head.jpg)
As we gather we come for a time when the church and we, as
individuals review ourselves and our actions in a deeper level of self-
examination. We are called to an extended time of prayer and preparation. And
part of that preparation is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to an open
acknowledgement of sin in our lives. Today
is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Does anyone know how Lent got started? It’s not in the
Bible. There is no specific verse that says "Thou shalt celebrate
Lent." The
Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Lent is this: Around 230 AD, a group of Christians started
fasting for the 40 hours leading up to Easter. To prepare their hearts for
Easter. Pretty soon, the idea caught on. Years later, they bumped it up to 7
days of fasting. And they called it Holy Week. And by 325 AD, the church
officially made it 40 days. Representing Jesus’ 40 days of testing in the
wilderness. I hope you will Read
Psalm 51 along with me: The opening of the Psalm 51 is a comment. It was a comment made when the prophet Nathan
came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. Ouch…. That
seems a little direct. Putting that heading as a part of the song used in the
temple for worship. Where is God’s grace for David? What can’t this be put in
the dust bin and done away with? Why can’t this just be a beautiful prayer that
people can recite and say - Yes I feel just like that? So David’s sin is recorded in 2 Samuel 11 for
everybody to read. On top of that it is included in the worship section of the
Hebrew bible. A constant reminder for what he had done. The bible calls King David a man after God’s own heart. Yet
we know he committed not just little sins, He broke commandments. He coveted,
had an affair and then tried to cover it up and when that went wrong - he
murdered. All of this took a little
time. But he thought he had gotten away with it. A man after God’s own heart…..I
Don’t Think So! He planned his sins. He
acted on his plans and he was comfortable with where he was. It would not surprise me if he was going to church on Sunday
with his new wife on his arm, smiling and shaking hands with all the folks. It
had been months and no one said anything. No one condemned. Oh,
God, I thank you that I am not in any way like David. I have
never done anything like that. I have never planned and executed a sin. I have
always admitted when I did sin and made everything right. We live in a culture, a nation, a community
and even a church environment that will let our sin slide. Everyone says we have
got to be good! We need to repent! God’s grace is sufficient! But no one
challenges us to dig deeper, no one will confront us or even mention that they
see sin in our lives. That would be
judging. That would make us sinners and a meddler. If I did that they might say something about me. They might challenge
the sin in My life. Psalm 51 contains a public exposure of a great man’s sins,
Then it is a documentation of that’s man’s feelings and prayer about that
situation. David poured out his heart to
God in this prayer. He knows that he was caught in his sins. Not by Nathan but
the moment he allowed the human desires to take hold and plan his sins. In this
prayer he admits that his sins are always there and that he can’t fix them. HE
can’t hide them! It took an external source (Nathan) to make him reflect on
the fact that just because no one around noticed or said anything about your
sin that you’re OK. He understood that
throwing a bull or a hundred bulls on the alter as a sacrifice has no value to
God because there was no sign of repentance.
His prayer is his plea to God that he wants to be made right. He knows
that the only way it can happen if for God to wipe the slate clean. Tonight we are beginning a process where we take 40 days,
for self-reflection. We commit ourselves to the process of allowing the Holy
Spirit to convict us that we are more like David than our pride and arrogance
would allow us to admit. Tonight we are committing to a journey that begins in
the low light of evening and goes into the blackness of Good Friday, with the
knowledge that Light is just down the road. On Easter morning. Lent is a period of time when we reflect on how we really
act and the little sins that we have made no big deal in our lives. I heard a story when I was in Niagara about how birds around
Niagara falls fly up the falling water to get a drink. In the winter, each time
they go in for a sip, a little ice builds up on their feathers. People have
watched as some of these birds go in for sip after sip and suddenly disappear
into the falling water when the Ice on their bodies becomes too heavy.It is like that with us…..The sins in our lives weigh us
down, Lent is a time when we allow our focus to see the little stuff that is
weighing us down and do something about it. Lent is not a time to be depressed and wallow in our
failures, it is the time to free our soul from the burdens. By admitting that
we are sinners and we want to change, really change we become free. Who do you think wrote the definition at the beginning of
Psalm 51? There is a good chance that David made the reference himself. It is a
confession, a public confession that was a reminder of what he had done. It was
a reminder not to take that side path again. Tonight I am not asking you to declare your deepest darkest
secrets to anyone except God. I am simply suggesting that by receiving the sign
of ashes on your forehead or hand that you are praying like king David. Create in me a clean heart. Oh God and renew a
right spirit within me.
For us tonight the sign of the ashes is our admission that
we are not perfect. But we really want to try to change our ways and actions.
I would like
to have a couple of minutes of silent reflection, open your heart and mind to
conviction of the Holy Spirit. When
you are ready come forth …I will be waiting....just like God is waiting.
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