
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Amazing Amanda

I have to tell you about my cousin, sister, friend, compadre, singing partner, Amanda. Amanda is the organizer of our is because of her that we have every song we have ever sung in an excel file, complete with chord done in, who sings lead, what the tempo is, and where we have sung it. Talk about efficient. Even though she is very business oriented. She is great fun to be with, sing with, travel with, do anything with...and I can't imagine my life without her in it. When I was married to my first husband she was my confidant and the reason I survived my divorce. She was the first person I wanted to introduce Frank to...She knows so much about me, from childhood to present, that if we ever become not friends...I will have to kill her. Amanda is a thrill seeker....not afraid of anything. She has actually jumped from a plane...I, on the other hand, am not a thrill seeker...and sometimes I have lived vicariously through Amanda. I have gotten to have the thrill without the fear! We have traveled all over the country together. I would go anywhere with her...and even though we joke about her driving (bat out of hades is an understatement)...I would climb in a car with her at this very moment...and go anywhere. My heart is breaking for her right now....her mom, my aunt Shirley, my mother's baby sister, is terminally ill. All the girls, Terri, Amanda, Linda and Missi are gathered at the Bethany House...I spent a good chunk of the weekend with them there. Amanda puts on a great facade for all that are there...but I know her heart and know it is breaking. She knew mine was when my dad died back in is not something we have to say to each is something that we share through eyes, hugs, electricity. I can honestly feel her in a room before I ever see her. I wish you all could meet her because I could spend hours here telling you about her...and still not do her justice. Today is Monday....when you all go to bed tonight...say a prayer for Amanda and her family please. The days ahead are not going to be easy...I know from first hand experience...the process of grieving is a hard one...but I want her to remember that we ARE Still Magnolias...and I love her with all my heart.

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