
Monday, March 1, 2010

Sisters, Sisters, There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters.

You have heard me talk about them for the past couple of years....and here they are. Terri, the oldest of Shirley's girls, is the one on the far left. She lives in California. She is a year and four days younger than I am. Amanda, is the second one from the left....she is the blonde one. She is married to Randy Brown (who we all adore)...and they have David(Susanna) and Ramonda(Dustin)...and are the grandparents of precious Drew and Wheeler. I am the middle one. These are my another mother. Even though, Aunt Shirley will tell you in a heartbeat that I should have been hers too. I love everyone of these girls. Linda is the one to my left...and she is one of the middle children. She has blessed us with precious and handsome Lee. Melissa (Missi) is on the far end. She is the baby...and married to Clay Smith(we adore him too). They live in Nashville, Tennessee. This picture was taken one Thanksgiving at my Aunt Shirleys...we have a tradition...Thanksgiving was always at her house...she and my mom prepared the meal. Christmas was either at Amanda's or my house...and all the girls chipped in for brunch. Randy always has to make his delectable sausage gravy....I don't even like sausage gravy....but eat Randy's every year. That man can cook! I am blessed in so many ways. I have a wonderful husband, a precious daughter, my sisters, my mom, the ability to sing, ...I could go on for a long time...and no matter what life holds for me and my family....we have each other...and you just can't put a price on love like that. Happy Monday to All!

1 comment:

  1. You are RICH!
    Loved seeing your family. What wonderful traditions you have and so nice to have a photo of everyone.


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