
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Motorcycle Mama

Whoooo cousin Amanda's husband just called and asked me if I was coming to the Valley today. I told him yes, he knew my cousins wanted me to come and get some of their mom's clothing for my mom. I was glad about this too because somehow over the years my mom's clothing has become sad looking. Amanda told me that there was a striped blouse she wanted to make sure my mom got because my mom would borrow it from time to I took care of my errands and headed for the Valley. Randy called me just as I crossed the river bridge and asked me where I was. When I told him my location he told me he would meet me at the house because I was having my motorcycle ride today. Randy has an awesome I mention that I am terrified of motorcycles? My dad had a motorcycle accident when he was in the service and spent 18 months in the hospital trying to fix his leg. He always walked with a limp. The only motorcycle I had ever ridden on was with my cousin Terri...and she scared me to death. It was time...and Randy put my helmet on, went over some basic rules, got on the bike, and I stepped up...swung my leg over the back...and grabbed his sides. The bike cranked..and begin to move and I held my breath. Before we made it to the stop sign at the end of my aunts road I was relaxing a bit and by the time we returned I was loving the feeling of the breeze rushing over your whole body. It was awesome. At one point during the ride I thought I could actually fall asleep. It was so comforting being behind Randy, holding on to him, enjoying the beauty of the day...and the ride. I LOVED IT! To be honest with you...sad Karen got on the bike...the old real Karen got off. For the first time in over a year...I felt like myself again. I felt like there was some life left in this old body...I owe you big time Randy. BTW a couple of my friends, Susan and Mary, called just before my ride began...and when I told them what I was about to do....they told me to call them as SOON as I returned. I did...and believe was a natural high. I don't know if you have ever ridden on the back of a Harley...but it is an experience I am glad I was afforded....Whooo Hooooo....look out world...another motorcycle Momma has emerged!


  1. only a matter of time and you'll be buying your own and hitting the road as the driver. =D

  2. Isn't it great??? Every time I see or hear a Harley, it makes me miss ours SO much!! And yesterday was the PERFECT day for a ride. I'm glad you enjoyed your ride.

  3. Yes its very good and informative post thanks for sharing us...

    Motorcycle Clothing


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