
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Sermonette

I love Chris Tomlin and on my way to Waverly today I heard this song and knew I had my blog post for today. I have been so low for so long that being at the bottom of the barrel and seeing some daylight is refreshing. As I drove I looked into the sky and saw the vapors of two jets crossing before me...forming a perfect was at that moment...I knew all was well. God speaks to me sometimes in the weirdest way...yet everytime he does speak it is always when I am still...very still...and listening. Today was one of those rare days...I was tuned in and paying attention. Enjoy the song by Chris...listen to the words...claim it for your fits my life as it is right this very moment. I hope you can glean something for yourself from the lyrics. God Bless You Real Good Today!

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