
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How Random Can it Get?

It is that time again.  The questions Linda posed were a wee bit hard for me to be witty with.  These were the kind of questions that require here they are.  If you want to read her answers and I know you will....head on over to 2nd Cup of Coffee....after you read mine....of course. 
1. What was the last thing about which you procrastinated? Procrastination is my middle name.  I am the QUEEN of it.  When I was in college I have belted out many an "A" paper the night before....but I am older and wiser now.....NOT....I still tend to wait....or maybe I should say it takes longer to get my motor running. answer the would have to have been looking over the Draft for the SACS (Southern Accredidation of Colleges and Schools) review last week. I had it for three days and waited until the day of the interview to look it over. I am such a schmuck. I could have answered all the questions without having read the bazillion page report.

2. How long does it take you to fall asleep, and do you sleep through the night? It depends. If I am tired and nothing is weighing heavy on my mind…then I am out before my head hits the pillow and I sleep all night. If I am preoccupied, as I am a lot these days with my mom, then sometimes I will see ever hour on the hour….and not sleep through the night. Those nights will find me sitting at the computer playing mindless games so at least one of us will get a good nights sleep.
3. Which decade would you choose to exemplify your favorite fashion styles? I am a child of the 60’s. I love the peasant look...not the bell bottoms so much....not the hot pants or hooker boots....just the peasant look....the one that is in style again now.  I also love the styles of the 50’s. There is something clean and fresh about June Cleaver.
4. What is your personal best dish to feed a crowd? Shepherd’s Pie, my special baked beans, and mac and cheese are the ones I am always asked to bring.
5. Are you an impulse shopper? What was the last thing you bought on impulse? I am NOT an impulse shopper….I am an impulse carry it around in the buggier….but usually end up putting it back….only to say later…I wish I had bought that.
6. What is one wish you have for your own funeral? There is not just one wish.  THIS is what I want....period.  I want Richard Forehand and Rexton Lee(two former students) to sing Dust in theWind at my funeral….as they scatter my ashes from the boat deck at Mallory Square in the Keys…at sunset of course.
7. If it's true that joy is in found in the simple things in life, what does your joy look like today? I have great joy. I am learning to simplify this year…and that is making me very happy.
8. What is your favorite type of bread?...Pumpernickle and Jewish Rye….the marbled kind.
9. What trait do you fear developing the most? (Laziness, greediness, grumpiness, etc.) Hoarding….with the death of my father and placement of my mom into a nursing home I have been sickened at the hoarding my traits of my mother. When we went to begin cleaning out their house….I cried for two days. Listen people…if you have ever watched the show “Hoarders”….they do exist…and it is not a pretty site.  if you have never watched a few will scare you to death.
10. What trait would you like most to develop? The ability to live light….and not let “things” clutter my life.
11. Which room in your house best reflects your personality? Why? Right now there isn’t one. I am in the process of packing up for the big preacher to a new church move….so there is not a room in my house with a painting on the wall, dishes in cabinets, without boxes stacked away in a corner. I would have to say before packing…my dining room. I love to do tablescapes and I keep it ever-changing…yep…that would be me…ever-changing....and eclectic.
12. How do you maintain balance in your life regarding, work, family, church, other organizations and activities, and blogging? I wonder that same thing myself.  I am very busy....I work, I am a preachers wife, I attend two services on Sunday....I bowl two nights a week, I have band practice one night a week, I attend bible study....and somewhere in there...I am a wife and teacher who has to get lesson plans done.  I don't waste time I can assure you.  I don't have time to.  I do prioritize and get the important things done in order of importance.…then enjoy the blogging time.  I am also looking forward to the Rock Mills...some of my busyness will be gone....replaced of course with new busyness....but closer to home...and with Frank.  Hope you enjoyed my offerings for today....stop back in anytime....set a spell...take your shoes off.....Have a Happy Wednesday!


  1. Maybe I should try the peasant look to go with my 'peasant feet'! :D
    My parents' next door neighbor was a hoarder...when she moved out, her son (her only offspring) was absolutely disgusted, and the people who moved in had piles and piles of junk on the curb.
    I'm sure it's not easy to have your mom in a nursing home. I've been very fortunate that both parents (they're in their 80's) are healthy enough to continue to live in their house.
    Hugs going out your way!

  2. My mom was a hoarder so I know what you are going through. I actively work at not becoming that. Much to my husbands dismay, he thinks I throw out too much.


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