
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Post-It Notes Tuesday Karen Style!

My good friend Jeannie created a monster in me with her Post-it Notes Tuesday.  Today, I was feeling a little sassy so I thought I would follow suite.  Hope you enjoy.

Happy Tuesday to All....and to all a GREAT DAY!


  1. 13 more days with kids for us...I'm not counting, either! We actually only have 12; the last day is a 1/2 day and hardly any kids come unless it's just to get their report cards!
    Money isn't everything, is it? :D

  2. I love those! Do you make those yourself?

  3. Short and your post it notes.

    Blessings as you and your husband take on a new pastorate.

    Sure hope that we can get together before you move.

    Counting too!

    Sweet dreams.


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