
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday to My Sweetest Little Rosebud does not seem like 30 years since Kat was born...but it is.  She is officially 30 today and I am feeling a bit old.  Kat was not due until July 23rd....but due to pre-eclampsia and toxemia...labor had to be induced at 6 AM on June 23rd.  I had been having light labor pains for a couple of days...had been in the hospital since Friday....and then...there she was.  She was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  She had the prettiest little munchkin face...and the very first thing she did when they handed her to me...was take my finger...and when she did...she took my heart and has held on to it ever since.  Kat was my salvation.  This child made me the person I am today.  I always wanted to be the best for her.  I came up short a lot of times...but no matter what....I knew she loved me.  I have told you tales of Kat several times in my blogging career....I wish you could meet her.  You would love her.  Everyone does...she is something else.  I don't know how she became so wonderful...because I certainly have my faults...but I would love to think that she takes after an extent...and then she way surpasses me.  I don't know if she will ever know how proud I am of her.  If I ever did anything right in this lifetime...she is it.  My mom kept Kat when I went back to school...two days a week. 
My mom taught her responsibilities, how to cook, how to sew, mom loves her unconditionally.  When Kat was and Kat went to James Longs Depot (the local Kellyton pack a sack)....this was back before car seats were Kat was standing up beside my mom in the seat of her 1972 Chevy Impala.  When they pulled up at the store...the train had stopped behind the store and the engineer and some of the guys had gotten off to run into the store for a snack.  Kat moved over to the window of the car...and leaned out...and said to one of the men, "Pardon me boys, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?"  She was an instant hit.  The railroad guys looked forward to seeing her every week.  When Kat was a baby....I used to sing her to sleep everynight....she was not much for the Lullaby and Goodnight thing...nope...she usually dozed off to Chattanooga Choo Choo, Sweetest Little Rosebud, Rock a by your baby...with a Dixie Melody, and her all time favorite...Sentimental Journey.  She grew up listening to my music....and has a large repertoire of music today.  She knows it all.  When she was almost 3 I thought I would give my mom a break from keeping her....
so I enrolled my oldest two in Kids College at AUM and Kat in the Child Development Program...she lasted just shy of three days.  One the third day when I went to get her....Mrs. Jeannette asked me why I did not tell her it was Kat's last day.  I was confused...and she pressed on by telling me that Kat had come in that morning, told them it was her last day, she could spell her name - "XYZ" and her granny needed her.  I called my mom...and Kat was through with AUM....funny continuance to that...years later...when she got her BS from AUM....she worked at the Child Development Center....for Mrs. Jeannette...and Jeannette remembered her. 10 years later...she has a Masters....and Education Specialist....from....AUM.  It makes me smile.  She is so brilliant.  I am not bragging because she is mine...I would tell you this is she belonged to anyone. She is one of my favorite traveling buddies.  I would go anywhere with her....except maybe skydiving.  To sum up my ramblings...Thirty years ago...I did something must have been a blue moon.  I received one of the greatest blessings ever bestowed on a person.  I became a mother....but more than that....I became Kat's mother....and that....that has made all the difference.  She is that one shining moment.  She is my biggest fan....and I am hers.  She is what makes me a star.  Happy Birthday Munchkin.  Here is to many many more.  I love you!  "Sweetest little rosebud, everybody knows, don't know what to call you...mighty like a rose.  Sweetest little baby, sweet as she can be...she's my little honey...and her name is Kathryn Leigh."


  1. How sweet -- and oh my goodness -- another thing we have in common! My daughter is Katy - Kathryn Rebecca! If you get a chance, I did indeed use one of the pretty doilies you sent in my birthday tablescape this week. Happy birthday to your daughter and happy anniversary of becoming a mom to you!

  2. Happy Birthday to Kat! She's so wonderful because she has a wonderful mom, don't you know that?
    LOVED the stories!

  3. Kathryn has no choice but to be wonderful because her mom is a wonderful lady.


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