
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursdays Travels

This morning Frank and I got up and I cooked my first official breakfast in the new house.  I scrambled some eggs, nuked some of the Clark Brothers bacon, cooked some canned bisquits, and fried up some of the Clark Brothers sausage.  This was a truckers breakfast.  After we ate and I tidied up the kitchen we left for Atlanta.  I have not been to see Randy since they moved him to Emory Hospital and today was the day.  The drive up was fun.  We took Hwy 34 through Franklin, GA (where I spent my first honeymoon), through Newnan, Ga (one of my favorite places) fact if you are ever need to get off I-85 at the Hwy 34 exit and go eat at the Dwarf House Chickp-fil-A.  It is the cutest place.  In Newnan we got on I-85 and headed north.  The ride was uneventful...even for Atlanta traffic.  We got off on exit 248-C and the Keystone Cops adventure began.  We went to the the Mapquest map said....and then...we got to the Carter Center...made three wrong turns...saw the Carter Center three different times....and finally got on the road we were supposed to be on.  Hwy 42 EAST.  I thought we would never get where we were going...and even once we did...I was not sure we would ever get inside.  It is a huge complex...with a Children's Hospital attached.....and several campuses.  Randy is in the Cancer part.  We parked in the first self-parking lot we found...and was pretty much competetive we circled like vultures for what seemed to be eons before finding a space.  Only to find out...we were three campuses away from where we needed to be.  Several elevator rides and alot of walking later...we found ourselves in the Main Lobby of the right campus.  Now we had to find the E elevator....but...once we got on....we both realized we had no clue what floor to get off on.  Quick phone call to Amanda and we hit 6.  She met us at the door and let us in.  Randy looked wonderful.  Today was a good day and he was in rare form.  It made me feel good to see him so chipper.  We took him some Chocolate Chip Cookies.  I called Kat when I got there and Amanda and I sang Happy Birthday to her...since Still Magnolias won't be performing at her birthday party....we gave her the next best thing.  Randy's aunt Norma and her son were there when we got there....then a friend of his from high school came in with her husband....then Randy's sister came...she was having her donor check done today at 1:30.  The room was getting a bit we hugged everyone and left.  Norma's son gave us some quick directions to I-85 and they were great...and we headed south.....with one stop in mind.  Frank always fusses that I talk about restaurants that he needs to eat at...but never take was a take Frank day.  We ate lunch at the Varsity.  We both had a number 1 special (chili dog with either fries or onion rings).  I had fries, Frank got onion rings and we split them.  The place was crowded as usual.  It seats 800 inside...and serves 400 in the drive through. It is the World's largest drive-in.  Frank loved we can cross The Varsity off the list.  I still owe him The Whistlestop Cafe in Irondale.  After lunch we got back on the interstate and headed for Rock Mills.  This time in Newnan we took the 34 by-pass....WRONG MOVE.  They are four laning the road...and traffic was a nightmare.  Oh time we will know better.  We got back home at 1:30 and spent the rest of the day napping and unpacking boxes.  I counted them today...20 more to go for real...and still can't find the can-opener.  I have been opening cans with a bottle opener.  We cooked supper ( I did the sides/Frank grilled hamburger steaks)....we ate...I cleaned up...and here I am.  I thought I would blog and check my emails tonight....tomorrow is Kat's I am going to work at the house til we get ready to leave.  Happy Thursday.


  1. How busy you have been! Goodness, hope you'll get some down time soon. Moving is such work. Happy Birthday to your dear Kat - wonderful that our birthdays "bump" each other!

  2. The Varsity is awesome! Middle son ate there a few months ago, but he said he wasn't impressed. I think he ordered the wrong thing!
    Glad you made it back okay! That sounds like some of our trips before GPS!

  3. At least you're almost all settled!! Moving is SUCH a pain, but hopefully worth it in the end! Hugs!!

    PS: Could you please get rid of word verification on your comments??? I hate that bugger!


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