
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30th

Another month bites the dust.  I cannot believe that this year is half over.  It seems like only yesterday it started....and now I am looking at starting school again.  Griefus...time really does fly when you get older. Frank sat home Monday and Tuesday while Mary and I were exploring in today he wanted to go to LaGrange and check it out.  He originally wanted to go to Newnan...but I am truly tired of riding in a car.  So off to LaGrange we went.  We checked out their big mall....big is a relative term I have decided.  It was smaller than Auburn's mall...and I thought it was tiny.  We drove around town, I showed him LaGrange College.  There was a time in my life I actually wanted be a student there....didn't happen....but I am learning as I get older that things happen for a reason...and God knows the is not for me to know always.  We ate supper at Ryan's, which I might add is one of my least favorite places to eat.  I thought this place had gone out of business....curse you Ryans.  I HATE buffet places.  I hate food that is left out, I hate serving myself, I hate that people sneeze and cough near the food.  Buffets are gross to me...but Frank...he LOVES them.  I always eat more than I need.  I am a portion control kind of girl.  I want the waiter/waitress to bring me the dish I order...and I then have the choice of eating it all...or asking for a doggie bag.  We DID find one cool thing in LaGrange....a candy store...right on the square downtown. They have old fashioned kinds of candies....the kind you can't get at your local pack-a-sack.  We purchased a few goodies for later and headed home.  The entire trip was 2 hours and 20 minutes.  Next outing is Newnan for sure.  We did try a back road coming home and shaved a bit of time off our trip.  It was fun checking out the local scenery.  Happy Wednesday to all.

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