
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Things That Matter, Things That Don't

My friend Mary and I went to Panama City Monday morning to look for oil for a school project she is working on.  Earlier she burned me a CD she got when she went on her Emmaus Walk.  I put it in the minute I pulled out of my driveway in Rock Mills and made it all the way to track number 9 before I got to her house.  I told her I loved the CD as we stowed my backpack in her car.  When we left her driveway we started the CD over again.  I loved songs number 1 - 9....when we got to track number 13 I thought my heart was being ripped from my chest.  I had never heard the song that was playing and finally just looked out the window at the landscape on Hwy 231 between Montgomery, AL and Red Level.  I heard a sniffle and cut a glance over at my friend...and tears were rolling down her face as well.  This song is not about me....but I have lived this song in several versions.  The first verse tells of a father who works hard and is underappreciated...and realizes when he gets home and hears his child say, "Daddy's Home" what is important in life.  I learned that lesson a long time ago....30 years ago to be exact.  When I had Kat.  I learned that she was the most important thing to me...and no matter what life or work dealt me....she loved me....sometimes in spite of myself.  The second verse talks about a girl who carried a grudge against a dad who had walked out on her 30 years ago.  My dad NEVER walked out on me....but when my brother mom left us (mentally) when she pulled inside herself to deal with the death of a child.  I did not understand it then....and I am not sure I understand it now....but I do know losing Kat would certainly break my heart....the difference here is that I know Kat is a Christian...and so am we have someone else in our corner and we are not bearing something like this alone.  Kat's father (the ex) has had a couple of strokes and his health is terrible.  Kat loves him in spite of all the times he has shunned her.  She will have no regrets ever....there will never be any should of, could of, or would of's in her vocabulary.  The last verse deals with me...there are times when I think I can do things on my own....but I usually learn quickly...I can't.  I have to have somebody much bigger than me....carrying me.  It has been a tough lesson for me....but throughout my 56 years of life....I have learned....there are things that matter....and things that don't. 
So I thought I would share this Rascal Flats song with you today. another day and I will post about the beach trip....and just for your was strictly business....we never even put a suit on.  Happy Tuesday to all!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing when a song speaks to you? Reminding us of what is truly important? Thanks for sharing!


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