
Friday, June 11, 2010

Letter From Amanda

Amanda set up a Caring Bridge page for Randy.  She posted in the journal this most heartfelt post and I felt the need to share it with all of you.  If you would like to visit Randys site and leave him some words of encouragement please do.  His Caring Bridge address is:  Randy Brown.  Caring Bridge is a really awesome website for people to feel connected to their loved one and for the loved one to know that people care!  Any ways Amanda's post began with this:  "Dr. Pippas, the hematologis​t just stopped in to check on Randy and asked a few questions about his history of sarcoidosis and Addison's disease. He's very attentive, not interruptin​g, just listens carefully to what you are saying. He also informed us the leukemia is not the result of, or connected in any way to, the sarcoidosis or the Addision's.​ He also said it was ok if we didn't get to Emory today. He will most likely work in tandem with Dr. Langston, handling the one-day chemo infusions in Columbus, while the four-day regimens are handled in Emory."  P.S.  He is at Emory as this comes to post.  I was talking with them on Skype when the ambulance arrived.   PTL!
Her request is this:  "Pray that everything goes smoothly for the transfer tomorrow. I know that God is in every detail and is making sure things are where they need to be when they need to be there."
Then she shared the most wonderful story she had read:  "I read a wonderful story today that speaks to that very thing. One of the doctors here in Columbus, an orthopedic surgeon, spent some time in Haiti after the earthquake and shared his experience there and the lessons he learned:
"Fi​rst, I learned that relationshi​ps mean everything.​ The relationshi​ps formed with patients adn co-workers are what occupy my thoughts now. Everyone has a story to tell. Most of these stories are so impactful. My relationshi​p with God was also strengthene​d while I was there. I practiced more of the spiritual disciplines and felt God's presence unmistakabl​y. Secondly, I saw how God multiplies effort. Through small acts of kindness, gentleness, smiles and service, I witnessed utter chaos turn into a palpable peace, easy to see on patient's faces. As an example, a primary care doctor named Meg lost her grandmother while we were there. Everyone was silent as I made rounds with her one morning. Then, one by one, each person approached her and started loving on her just as she had been doing for them. Her efforts were multiplied many times over. Thirdly, I witnessed God's abundant provision and the generosity and commitment of St. Francis Hospital, my brother (another orthopedic surgeon), and others who worked very hard to gather and send much needed medical supplies. Just as we ran out of essential equipment, pallets of supplies arrived from St. Francis Hospital. Members of our own team went to the airport at 11 pm that Friday night to bring the supplies back to the hospital. Another true story involves an anesthesia ​monitor that broke. It was going to be difficult to replace. Then, the hospital administrat​or came in one day with exactly the monitor needed. He told us that he had won it as a door prize two years ago at a medical meeting in the United States. The lesson - God often has the solution before we have the problem."
"God has put many things in place to bring us exactly where we are today and He will most surely take us through this. I marvel at His greatness!"  I love these two people with all my heart.  When I was floundering in my first marriage....Randy and Amanda were my strength.  They have always been there for me....and now it is my turn to return the favor.  Their daughter, Ramona, shared a song with me yesterday and I am going to share it with you today.  Pray for them as they make this journey. TGIF!


  1. Prayers going out to your friends.
    Absolutely love that song!

  2. What beautiful thoughts. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Even with our faith, it is so hard to watch those we love suffer.

    I will keep you all in my prayers.


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