
Thursday, June 10, 2010

When Life Knocks Your Feet Out From Under You

Last night(Tuesday) late, my singing partner/cousin/adopted sister Amanda called me and told me she was leaving Boston at 5 a.m. because her sweet husband Randy was in the hospital.  He had a bleeding issue...his blood was not clotting and they were going to be doing some tests on Weds.  Weds. morning I got up and called Amanda about 8 to see where she was.  She was in Newnan, GA and on her way to St. Francis Hospital in Columbus, GA.  I told her we had some meetings but would be there as soon as possible.  As always, our meetings took longer than we thought they would and so we got a late start.  I wanted to be there by 12.  It was 12 by the time we got to Opelika.  30 minutes more before we would be in Columbus.  I pondered throughout the trip about what was happening and prayed that God would touch Randy with his healing hands.  When we got to room 208 and I saw Amanda's face I knew something was wrong.  Amanda then dropped the bombshell...Randy has leukemia...A.L.L.(acute lymphatic leukemia)...something children suffer from....not an adult disease.  It is not the worst leukemia...but it is still leukemia.  They took Randy shortly after we got there to place the port in his arm so that he could begin chemo on Thursday.  Wow...this was all happening to fast and hard to ingest.  Randy's sister, Debbie,  stayed in the room with us and we waited for them to return.  Two hours passed and we had to leave because I had my final band practice tonight.  When I left the word is not curable...but it is treatable...but...right now there is no expiration date.  He would be doing chemo for 7 days at Columbus Medical Center and then he would be doing another type for 2 years.  After that he would be doing another treatment for 12 -18 months and then hopefully he would be in remission.  After I got home and went to band I called to see if there was an update...and there was...he is NOT going to the Cancer Center at Columbus Medical Center...he is going to Emory in Atlanta.  His case is unique (that is just like Randy...nothing plain for him)....and it is the best place for him to be.  UAB in Birmingham is the heart hospital of the south...and Emory is the Cancer place!  Randy will be in good hands there....and I serve a mighty God.  I have entrusted Randy to Him and know that His will will be done.  I love this man....I love this God....and I know He is in control.  Randy has been in my life since I was 18 years old.  He and Amanda married very young and I have always loved him.  He has a gruff voice, is a fabulous cook, he is funny, loves people, loves his family, is a good guy all around.  They don't get much better than Randy.  This man took 4 hormonal women on a 9700 mile Pacific Northwest trip and did not bat an eye.  What a guy!  I am asking that you all please pray for Amanda and Randy as they walk this path....Amanda's mom just died in March...and this is a rough enough road without that.  God bless you all and I will keep you updated.


  1. Oh no!!! I hate, hate, hate cancer!!!! Big hugs and tons of prayers!

  2. KK!!! No!!! Even though I have never met Randy (or maybe I did that time Laura, Dolly, and I came to Phenix City to hear SM sing???) my heart plummeted. Your family has been dealt blow after blow after blow. Randy, Amanda, and the doctors, nurses, and other caregivers at Emory will certainly be in my prayers. I love you!


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