
Monday, September 27, 2010

It is Monday.....All Day Long

I am dying.  Today is Monday....not just any Monday....but a Monday following Homecoming week, a Women of Faith conference, and Frank being gone.  I left Thursday night at 11:00 headed to Duluth, GA, got up at 6:00 (Georgia time) the next morning, conferenced until 10:00 that back to the hotel around up again the next morning and did it again....when I got home Saturday night I did not think I would be able to walk into my house I was so tired....but I did.  Frank got home from school about 45 minutes after me and we went to get some groceries, eat supper, and get ready for Sunday.  I was in bed by 9....and I don't even remember Frank coming to bed.  I woke up at 6 on Sunday morning and hit the ground running.  After church Frank left for Atlanta to stay with Randy because Amanda had to go to North Carolina.  It rained all afternoon....and I loved it.  I just rested....but a nap evaded 10:00 I took Beau more time....and we went to bed.  He  crawled up and let me pet him for a while...then wiggled under the comforter to 12:00....he came out from under the covers like he was on fire....barking his fool head off and heading to the front door.  I kept the lights off and slipped out to see what was disturbing him.....there was nothing.  We went back to he goes again....and the sequence continued....2:00, 3:05, 4:15(at this time....I looked out the carport....saw nothing....let him out....he sniffed where Franks car normally sits....howled like he had lost his best friend....and went to the door.  Personally, I was ready to kill him.....dead!....back to bed until 5 when  I finally got up.  I drug around the house getting ready....where was Beau????  Sleeping soundly on the couch.  When I left....he did not even stir.  He is probably still sleeping there....or at least will be til Frank gets home.  Where am I?  I am dying at my desk.  There is not enough caffeine in this place to keep me from yawning....good thing I have an intern.  Tonight I have Bible Study...and will spend the night with Mary....hope she is not planning on a slumber party.....cause as soon as I hit the bed....I am going to be long gone.....I hate Mondays....especially when I have had not sleep.  Hope yours is a better one.


  1. I love the new look!

    My Monday was the same way. I got up and took Jack to school at 6:30 & barely remember doing it!

    Hugs & love,

  2. So you check your blogs while your intern is teaching, too, huh? (LOL!) Love the picture of you & Frank!

  3. Oh I feel your pain! I hate days that are so filled that it's hard to enjoy any moments --- because it's up and on to the next one! Thanks for your visit -- I hope you do share your charm bracelet -- I think they all tell a story!


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