
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Words From A Simply Complex Woman

I follow Jerralea's Journey and love reading her.  Usually, on Monday's she  joins Peggy Hostetler's The Simple Woman's Daybook  to journal and plan her week. I love to read her responses....but never join in .....but this week.....Jerralea has fought a nasty virus all weekend and  today is the first day she actually felt  a stirring of energy. So, she  decided Tuesday is better than no day.  I am personally glad she waited until Tuesday because I love the prompts and thought I would join in today myself.

Outside my window... workmen are building on our gymnasium.  I am tired of hearing the beeping of trucks backing up and men shouting at each other. 

I am aggravating it is be here.  It is a beautiful day and I would love to be home working in my yard.

I am thankful for...a job...espcially when there are many who don't have one.

From the kitchen...I see a grove of trees, a pasture that has hay bales scattered about and one huge bull!

I am of my most comfortable outfits, navy crop pants, a white peasant blouse, red sequined Yellow Boxes, and a special necklace.
I am's post.

I am going...home after work and then to church for Bible Study and Choir Practice.

I am reading..."Remembering the Forgotten God" by Francis Chan

I am hoping... I survive the week!

I am intern teach my second block class about past tense.

Around the house...Beau is sleeping, Frank is working on a sermon and Bible study for tonight, the TV is on.  You can tell I am not home because there is no music filling the air.
One of my favorite things... reading a good book when it is pouring down rain outside.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I am going to get my outdoor fall decor set.  I am so excited.  I still need a pot of mums and a pumpkin...or two. 

Here is a picture I am sharing.......I call it "Coming Out of the Dark."


  1. That is a beautiful picture! I'm planning on getting my fall decor out this weekend, was just too hot last week to be in the mood for it.

  2. I used to do this post & I forgot all about it!

    Thanks for the reminder.


  3. Oh, Karen, what an awesome picture! I totally love pictures of roads or paths and yours is awesome. Where can this place be found?

    I had to smile when I read you were wearing Yellow Boxes again!

    I'm excited about getting out some fall decor myself. Maybe by the end of the week, I'll be ready.

    Have a great week, and I hope choir practice was great!


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