
Monday, October 11, 2010

Knoxville Here We Come

My dad was buried a year ago today and Frank is taking me to one of my happy places.  We got up early, finished some chores and drove off into the sunrise for Knoxville, TN.  We took a different route this time.  We went up 22 to 27 and took it through Rome, GA and picked up 53 to Interstate 75.  Talk about a beautiful drive....four lane roads....not much traffic.....and we did not have to drive through Atlanta....we picked up 75 in Calhoun, Ga and we were about an hour and a half from Susan's at that point.  We ate a sandwich at the Subway across from the Knoxville Airport on Alcoa Hwy and headed on to Susan and Chuck's house.  We crashed for a bit and watched a little television......I took a brief power nap. Chuck would be home around 5ish and we were going out to dinner then.  I wanted to take Frank somewhere I had been and he had not....bless his heart...every single time we go anywhere he sees a restaurant and I say, "Oh it is good I have eaten there and we will have to go so you can try it......"......and it never comes to pass.  So....we ate at Ye Olde Steak House last night.  It is one of my favorite steak houses in the area......heck...honestly....period.  We all ordered skewered steaks and when they brought out the cheese we enjoyed it on crackers.  I love this place!  After dinner we went back to their house....rearranged the vehicles according to who was leaving first in the morning and settled in for the night. I am beat.  Tomorrow we are going to Cades Cove....whoooo hoooo.  I have my camera ready and waiting.  I hope you had a great Monday.  I know I did.  Frank made sure of it.  Thank you baby for loving me so much.


  1. Wow, it sounds like you are having a wonderful week! Max Lucado and then a trip to Cade's Cove? I'm a little bit jealous and a lot happy for you. I hope you get some great pictures at Cade's Cove - I love the pictures I have seen of that place!

  2. Hey, I've been to Cades Cove on a family vacation!

    Have a great trip home.

    Hugs & love,

  3. Sounds like a wonderful get a way you and your beloved are having. Thanks for your sweet visit to my kitchen -- I always treasure your kind words.


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