
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday in the Smokies

I have a short post for today because I am beat....but Oh What a great day.  Today we got up and headed to the Smokies.  We stopped for coffee at Starbucks at Five Oaks Outlet....then headed on to Gatlinburg and breakfast at the Flapjack place.  It was yummy.  After breakfast we went to the Craftsman's Fair at the Convention Center and then headed to the Knife Outlet and Museum in Sevierville.  We stopped at the Beef Jerky outlet and I bought a couple of Christmas gifts and some jerky.  Frank and I nibbled on it all the way to the knife place.  Frank got a new Buck knife he was not expecting while we were there....he smiled a huge smile when I handed him the bag after a mysterious bathroom trip.  I love surprises....don't you.  We went back to Chuck's and Sue's house and got ready to go to supper.  While we waited on Chuckles to get home I finished writing our Churches Christmas program and wrote the story for the Haunted Hayride at Woogump Woods.  I think it will be a hit.  Before going to eat, and to give Jan and Keith a chance to get to Knoxville we stopped at Chuck's parents firing range and fired guns for a while.  I love target shooting.  I shot my dad's 410, 12 gauge (it packs a wallop and my shoulder is killing me at the moment), and a rifle.  We also shot some was fun.  I did pretty well with the 410.  It was just like the gun my dad taught me to shoot with.  After we ran out of ammo it was off to supper was at Pancho's and then we headed back to Chucks parents to see them.  I have not seen them in the past couple of years and enjoyed the visit with them.  I had planned on meeting my bloggy buddy Mary tonight....but this could not be helped.  I am glad I got to see them.  We got back to the house and I am tired....tomorrow is Cades Cove day and we are starting out early and doing the Wares Valley road way.  It is my favorite way to go.  I can't wait to post the pictures from there.  It is by far one of my most favorite places.  Happy Tuesday to all!  I hope you had a great day!


  1. I love the Smokies! We enjoyed our trip there so much last fall. I think I have a post about it on my blog. Hope you enjoy Cade's Cove as much as we did and that you get to see bears! I loved the bears!

  2. John has a 410 double barrel that I LOVE to shoot. We haven't shot in a long time, but it was always fun.


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