
Monday, December 20, 2010

All I Want For Christmas is World Peace and Neil Diamond

I saw Neil Diamond for the first time when I was 14 years old and fell in love for the very first time again....that is if you don't count Davey Jones, Paul, George, and John....Bobby Sherman...I have loved them all....but Neil Diamond was my first big girl crush...and I have crushed on the man for years.  There is something about that gravely velvet voice that just lulls me into a coma.  I now definitely have to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because 2011 is the year he will be inducted.  From I'm a Believer through the  Brother Love years to America and I Am I Said....I could listen to the man forever.  His movie, The Jazz Singer I sat through twice.  The first time I actually paid for a ticket....then I went to the bathroom and hid until the next seating was allowed in....and I went back and watched it again.  Yeah I know....not something a preacher's wife should be telling....but I am human...and forgiven.  The first concert I went to as an adult I had front row seats, got to stand at the stage and he touched my hand.  I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  Every song that he sang....I felt his eyes were focused right on me.....and only me.  I have learned that as a singer....they weren't.....I focus like that too....and many times people have commented on the fact that I was looking right at them......and to be honest....I learned a long time a device to avoid stage fright....look at them....but over their head......ok....herd the cats back to my post on world peace and Neil....Have you ever felt that feeling?  That electricity that you get when you see a super star?  Monday night the Sing Off (Acapella singing contest) had two guest singers....two of my favorites...Sheryl Crow....and you got it....Neil Diamond himself.  I was so excited.....and to make it even of my picks to win groups, Commited sang with him.  I was in heaven.  Yep...there he was in all his glory....singing...just like he did before....singing to me.  Now, don't get me wrong....I would not trade my precious Frank for anyone.....but a shining moment....long ago....I dreamed that Neil Diamond came off a stage, kneeled in front of me.....and sang to me....then lead me live with him in his castle forever.....and then I turned 21 and reality hit me....but a girl can still dream....and dream I did for years.  Do I have a favorite Neil Diamond song....oh yes...I have plenty....but today I am leaving you with my favorite for today.  Happy Monday!


  1. How can anyone not sing to "Sweet Caroline"? Ba-ba-ba!
    You only saw Jazz Singer twice? When it came out a friend of mine and I must've seen it no less than 5 times! Love, love, love me some Neil Diamond! :D

  2. you mean to say you never fell for Ringo, lol.
    My mum's a Neil Diamond fan from way back too, all our cross country car trips involved Neil casettes!

    Merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year to you.

  3. I am so very blessed to call you a friend through blogging!!! I am so grateful for that. Thank you Merry Christmas!!!


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