
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Frank's First Wedding and a Tall Tale

Frank did his first wedding tonight at 6 pm at our church.  It was a very casual, yet very sweet wedding.  Shelby and Greg Spivey are officially man and wife and after the wedding we all went to Shelby's dad's house....Amy and Wayne are members of our church.  Together they have six children....Wayne had cooked some really good food and the fellowship was so much fun.  Everyone was in a festive mood and it was fun to sit and listen to all the conversations going on.  Amy's dad - Mr. Dollar is a big gun collector and he and Frank had a great time chatting....Amy's mom....loves antiques and lives in a haunted house in Standing Rock.    Amy promised to take me over there soon and I can't wait.....Mr. Dollar is my post tonight really....he met comedian Jerry Clower once and told him a story I am going to relay to you all tonight.  I can't remember when I have laughed so hard.  There was a little boy who was a notorious liar.  He lied about everything....big or small.  His parents were quite concerned so they turned to a psychiatrist to see if he could help them break their son of telling such huge ball faced lies.  The Dr. said he would have him broken in no time and would they bring him to his farm the next day for his first....and probably last session.  The parents and their son arrived promptly at 5 and the Dr. talked with the little boy for a big....then he asked him if he would like to see his farm.  The boy and Dr. walked toward the barn.  The Dr. then began to tell the youngster one of the biggest bald faced lies he could think of....the story was about a bear....a huge bear....10 ft. tall....and it came at the Dr. one day....on his back legs....with his huge paws slashing at the air and backing the Dr. closer and closer to the barn....just as the Dr. felt the barn to his back....a very small chihuahua came running round the corner of the barn, started biting the bear on the leg, which made the bear fall....and then....THEN...the chihuahua drug the bear into the woods and ate every bit of him.  The Doctor paused and asked the little boy if he believed that story.....the little boy did not even hesitate and answered....Yes!  Why do you believe that story the Dr. asked....and the little boy replied....That was my dog!  You just have to love 'em!  That was a story my Uncle Cecil would have been proud of.  Hope you had a wonderful Tuesday.  Frank and I are driving up to Knoxville tomorrow morning to get our guns.  We will be back on Thursday.  Pray for traveling grace.


  1. Cute story! I love simple weddings -- they are truly the most enjoyable! Have a good and safe journey and wishing you and your Frank a Most Merry, Jolly, Joyfilled, Peaceful, Christmas!


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