
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project 365 - Week 6

It is that time of the week again when we all post our weekly pictures and check out everyone else's picture who linked up to Sara.  This has been quite a week.  I was sick most of the week but improving daily.  It was gray and gloomy here almost all week and did not give itself to making pictures but I trudged on and snapped a few in spite of the nasty weather. 

Sunday on the way home from our Sunday lunch with the gang at T.J. Rockers we rode down 79 and I captured the Brownwood Barn.  I think this barn is so pretty.  I wanted to get it while we had some sun.  I knew it would not be there much this week.

Monday was bowling night for this week.  We have 15 teams and there are only 12 lanes at our alley's so every so many weeks three teams bowl on Monday night.  This week was our week.  My team is comprised of MaeLynn and Jerry Wayne O'Neil, Frank and I and we call ourselves 2 Queens and 2 Jokers.  Bet you can't guess who is who.  Our bowling night routine is pretty much the same each week.  Frank takes me to work and comes and gets me at the end of the day, we visit my mom, we do errands if we have any, we go out to eat, we bowl, we go home.  This week we decided to eat at Big B Bar B Que.  It is one of our favorite Alex City restaurants.  They moved a little over a year ago and when they did the new decor is what you see in my pictures.  There are tons of stuffed critters all over the walls like the bison and moose head I shot.  The chandeliers are made from deer antlers and the chairs and tables are made from trees....literally.  There is one huge papa chair weighs a ton and they are most uncomfortable to me. We like to sit in the booths.  They have padded seats.  The wooden Indian graces the front door welcoming the customers in.  The food is good and the staff is very friendly.  Our favorite is Teresa....when we come in....she does not even have to ask what we want to drink....she just brings it.  Ahh....that is service in a small town.

The rain has begun and I found this great sign and decided I would use it on Tuesday this week instead of Saturday.  I read it as I was going by...."God is No Where....Read Again".  I actually turned around and went back and took a picture of it and read it again.  I was beginning to think this little Baptist Church had made a graveous error....when it finally dawned on me what it said...."God is Now Here!"-

On my way through Roanoke on Wednesday I remembered the cross at Roanoke First United Methodist.  I love this cross and flame representation of the United Methodist logo. It was between raining spells so I jumped out of my car in their parking lot and snapped this quickly. 

Thursday night was miserable.  Not only was it cold but the rain just would not stop.  I was glad we were not bowling tonight and took the chance to finish up a book, Divine Appointments, that I was reviewing for Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group.  Frank played on his IPad and read one of the books he is supposed to read for his class in two weeks, Listening for the Soul.  It was nice staying in

I gave Frank and Keurig for our anniversary.  I know....eight years should be bronze....but he wanted one so I got it for him.  He worked on Friday getting his coffee station all set up.  I did not buy him the little coffee tree...he went to Wal-mart and got that himself.  I have to admit that the coffee is good and a lot hotter than a traditional coffee maker....and we have Earl Gray tea AND hot chocolate too.  This might turn out to be a great purchase.  I made a carrot cake.  It does not look like much....I am NOT a cake baker...but it was good and I guess that is all that matters.

Today was the Women's Bowling Tournament at Idletime in Alex City.  The theme this year as Western.  So everyone dressed in their best cowboy/girl attire and showed up to bowl.  My team bowled on the first flight which meant the Queen would come from one of our teams.  My team, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues consisted of MaeLynn (Annie Oakley) O'Neil, Angela (Wild Bill Hickock) Jones, Karen (Lash Larue) Korb, Debbie (Wyatt Earp)Mask.  We were so excited that the queen of this years tournament came from our team.  Yahh Hoo for Mae Lynn.  I bowled 9 games today.  We bowled three as a team and then Debbie and I bowled 3 doubles and 3 for singles.  I did this so I would not have to come back and bowl again on Sunday.  I am way to old for this I can assure you.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  I am going to Brady's 1st birthday party.  His momma is my god-daughter..  Stay safe and be blessed!


  1. great shots...
    love the cross shot
    it's been dreary here

  2. Good pictures this week! I want to do this...maybe next year IF I get a big girl camera this year! I wondered about the Kuerig coffee looks good, but I don't know anybody who has one.

  3. It looks like a great week. I'd like to get Chris one of those.

    I'm off to church, the second time we've been to this church, so wish me luck!


  4. Great week minus the rain :P that restaruant looks like SO much fun; a place my boys would love to eat at for sure!! We love love love our kuerig coffee much fun and so many different choices!

  5. Sick and still got pictures every day, good job!

    I like the decor of the restaurant. I've been in places like that and usually the food is pretty good.

    Hope you feeling great this week! Have fun at the birthday party!

  6. Hi Karen,
    I enjoyed your project 365, especially the coffee part. I got one for Christmas ..OMGosh I use it every day and I love it.

  7. I love all your outdoor pictures, the barn and the cross really have some nice colors to them. I saw that coffee maker this Christmas season, and it looks very interesting. Nothing like curling up with a good book, or ipad when it is nasty outside, very cozy and quiet.

  8. You're doing a much better job of turning around or parking & getting out of your car to get good pictures - I'm just too lazy :) I'll work on that this week!

  9. You are having so much fun with the 365 Project! Or at least you seem to be. :)

    I hope that you have enjoyed this beautiful sunny day. This past week was so yucky, and it showed in everybody! From the sound of it, this week won't be much better. **sigh**

  10. Oh yeah...I think the cake looks pretty delish! :)

  11. What a wonderful looking week! I love Keurig! It's amazing coffee. Props to you! :)

  12. Hope you feel better!

    Coffee & Anniversary, works for me, but then I'm a total coffee hound. The hubs got me a latte/espresso make two Christmas' ago and I just love it!

    Great week!

  13. Earl Gray is my favorite tea.
    The books look good.
    Do you post your book reviews?
    Que te mejores y tengas una semana fenomenal!


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