
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sunday

Today has been a great day.  The weather, although chilly, was gorgeous.  I loved basking in the sunshine and from our weather reports that will change again before the middle of the week and we will be back to rain and cold.  There is a chance of snow/ice again on Thursday....Hello...this is Alabama people....the South....cold weather is foreign here.  Church was great!  After church we always go out to lunch with a group of Frank flew solo and I headed to Alexander City for the first birthday party of Brady, my goddaughters son.  It was a Mickey Mouse party and I will post pictures from it on my P365 next Saturday.  I stopped by Mary and Bill's to see the newest addition to their family....Ginger Snap....a 5 week old Rat Terrior....and believe me...she looks like an oversized gerbil.  Then it was back home again for church and home for the Super Bowl.  I am not a football fan...but I do love the commercials.  My favorites usually involve the Budweiser Clydesdales.(Tonight's commercial from Budweiser was it will not be high on my list of favorites.)  I do think it is so funny that my favorite commercials are beer commercials....especially since I think beer is the grossest drink on earth....but...they are.  So, I thought I would share my three most favorite with you tonight.  They were, by the way, the top two Super Bowl commercials of all time.

Doritos and the dog with the barking collar, Doritos and the little boy, and a number of others have also tickled my fancy over the years.  I mean....Super Bowls started when I was 11 and the Green Bay Packers faced off against the Kansas City Chiefs.  This is the 45th Super Bowl and once again the Green Bay Packers are there....but this time they are facing the Pittsburgh Steelers. My team was always the Dolphins, since I lived in West Palm Beach...and they have been to the Super Bowl a few times...but...even with them was always the commercials that kept my attention.  Hope the game goes your way.  I am off to find a book to read so I can watch the commercials.  Maybe I will find a new favorite this year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just cackled at the sheep streaker - too funny! Thanks for posting it. We've enjoyed some of the commercials tonight & went, "huh?" to some others.

    We're pulling for the Packers. That probably means they'll lose :)


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