
Monday, March 14, 2011

Bye Bye Bambi

What a horrendous way to start a week.  Especially when this SHOULD have been Spring Break week....but due to powers beyond my control my system opted for a Spring Break in mid-April.  IF we had been on Spring Break mishap would not have happened.  On my way to work this morning (dark again due to the change of time), a baby deer took on my car just outside of Newsite, AL.  Fortunately I had seen a buck about 200 yards earlier on the side of the road and had decreased my speed.  When the baby deer jumped out in front of me....I slammed on my brakes and held on.  I hit him....I don't know where...I heard the thump...felt the impact.....stopped to check on the deer, could not see anything, and my car, could see nothing there either....because it was really to dark to see.   I called Frank and cried.  My car was still I slowly drove on into Newsite to a gas station and got out and checked my vehicle to make sure it was appeared to be.  Two hunter looking guys asked me if I was ok and I told them what had happened.  They jumped in their truck and headed back the way I had just come. I continued on to Alex City but just before Mary's house I began to shake and felt sick at my stomach so I stopped at her house and cried some more.  I got to school at 7:15....which is late for me.  The car seemed ok and I was not quite so shaken.  I hate springing forward...I had just gotten to enjoy the daylight when I went to it is dark again....sigh!  Sorry Bambi for your rude awakening this morning....and Lawh what a Monday!  Hopefully Tuesday will be better.


  1. Oh no, I'm sorry for such a scary start to your week!

    I hope it only goes up from here!

    Hugs & love,

  2. Ahhh so sad. Glad you and the car is okay.

  3. Nice that the hunters were more concerned about going to find the deer than you or your car. (That was dripping with sarcasm, just in case you couldn't tell!)
    Hopefully Bambi is okay and has learned a lesson.


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