
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15th - The Ides of March

Outside My Window...
at school the sky is gray and there are a few scattered showers.  It is supposed to rain off and on today and then colder air is coming back.  Sigh!  I guess it is a good thing that today is not part of my Spring Break. 
I am thinking...
how nice it would be to be on Spring Break right now and be hanging at the beach.  I need a break!
I am thankful for...
the fact that for the the state of Alabama...I have a job.  We will be experiencing proration again for the fifth year and I don't care what the governor says about no teachers losing their will be lost...where else is the 400,000 coming from.
From the learning rooms...
students are quiet while I am having my planning period.  I hear French being spoken next door.
From the kitchen...
or in my case cafeteria I smell a variety of things being prepared for lunches in a couple of hours.
I am wearing...
khaki capri pants, a turquoise, brown, and white top, black sweater and sparkly Yellow Box sandals.
I am creating...
an  IPad lesson for my students.  Right now it is downloading the app.
I am going...
to the hospital shortly and register my mom for a CT scan she is having today.
I am reading...
Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted
I am hearing...
the janitors walky talky, Samantha teaching her class French, Mr. B teaching his class Math, students shuffling their feet down the hall way.  I wish they would learn to pick their feet up.
On my mind...
how much I need to accomplish this week.
Around the house...
the floor needs sweeping and mopping, the carpet vaccuuming, the kitchen cleaned, the bed made, dusting to be done.  I played this weekend and did not do housework.  I think I rebeled a bit...I hate the fact that I work all week and then have to work on Saturday.  I wish I had a cleaning fairy.
One of my favorite things...
rain + book + bed = total joy
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
work on taxes, teach, clean house, wash....I mean I am not going to have to spend my Saturday cleaning.  I want to go to The Villages of Little Texas.
Small window into my life...

Light Conquers Darkness

If you’re in a darkened room,

And a small candle is lit,

The darkness retreats away

From light the candle emits
If two rooms are side-by-side,

One is dark, the other, bright,

And a door opens between,

The dark is conquered by light!
So when your life seems dark,

Just remember this law:

Light always conquers darkness!

Soon the darkness will withdraw,

And your heart will become bright,

As it is filled with the light.
Copyright © by Benjamin Graber


  1. Why is it kids never learn to pick up their feet when they walk?

  2. You and I think alike -- I too was feeling a bit out of sorts this weekend .....spending it cleaning.


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