
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Project 365 - Week 12

Another week is gone and I am now at T minus 3 weeks and counting until Spring Break.  I am beginning to feel like the Little Engine That Could and I find myself telling myself...."I think I can...."  I have had an eventful week and hope you enjoy my offerings to the project.  Be sure to slip over to Sara's and check out the rest of the gang.

Sunday - March 13th

Pay attention to Frank's tie.  It was made by some students at Kat's school.  Her school is all special needs students and they had an art sale to raise money for the school.  She knows that Frank loves weird and unusual ties so she bought this one.  He wore it with pride on Sunday.  Everyone at church loved it.

Monday - March 14th

I was feeling a bit blue today.  We should be on Spring Break this week but we don't have it this year until mid-April.  I spent the night at Mary's and went to Bible Study.  Mary's husband Bill loves to tinker in his yard and while I was waiting for them to come home from Louisiana my eye caught sight of this cute chime hanging in a tree in their front yard.  It is a big fat hummingbird and reminded me that Spring is just around the corner.
 Tuesday - March 15th
Beware the Ides of March

There is a cemetary just down the road from my house.  In it are two statues.  My favorite one is this one of Jesus and the woman at the well.  I have made this picture several times already....but it never turns out right.  So I thought I would try one more time.  I really wanted you to see it at night because there is a light that makes them appear almost ghostly.  The alabaster stone is so white at night.

Wednesday - March 16th

Another barn.  I am blessed with them all along Hwy 22.  On our way to church on Wednesday night Frank stopped so I could grab a quick picture of this barn at the intersection of Hwy 22 and C.R. 16. 

Thursday - March 17th
Saint Paddy's Day
On my way home from school on Thursday I passed New Salem Baptist Church in New Site, AL.  I had never noticed their sign until then.  The day was so pretty and I thought the sign said it all.  Don't you agree?  I am loving my sign hunting.  I have friends now who are seeing them and telling me where to go and shoot them.

Friday - March 18th

Between Daviston and Wadley there are several dirt roads that have fascinated me.  Stevens Road on Friday was just perfect for a picture.  The sun was cutting through the trees and it was gave the road an awesome look.  After I got home, since Frank and cooked such fabulous meals this week, I decided to take him to Milano's in the Valley for dinner.  We stopped at Wayne and Amy's on the way and their dog Gator decided to pose for a picture.  Wayne is a huge Florida Gator fan and Frank is a huge FSU Seminole fan. 

Saturday-March 19th

We went to the Village of Little Texas today with Renee, from church.  It is run by Sandra Many and her husband.  Sandra worked the Emmaus Walk I worked.  The chapel above is actually used by people for small intimate weddings.  Sandra's husband built all these buildings himself and they are open every weekend.  The Village is located just outside of Auburn on Joe Johnston Rd.  If you are in the area you need to check it out.  It is pretty awesome.

This is a poulonia (pronounced...paul on I uh by Sandra's husband and Poh lone E uh by Sandra.)  Either way you say is gorgeous.  These trees are scattered all over the Village.

This is the candle shop.  There is a gift shop, a Christmas shop, a Halloween Barn, flower shop, and antique shop, and a snack bar.  All of their grandchildren run one of these shops.  Inside each one is a picture of a grandchild that runs that shop, their business license, and the first dollar they ever made framed. It is so cute.  When a grandchild had a business venture idea, Sandra's husband built it.  Inside each store are little goodies you can purchase for a reasonable price.

I am not a cake baker....but...Mr. M.L. and Heather are getting married after our service on Sunday.  Mrs. Betty Jean, the cake maker guru from our church,  is in the hospital, and Mr. M.L. wanted to have a Strawberry and Key Lime cake for the wedding luncheon we are having after the service.  Earlier in the week I decided that if she couldn't make them....I would.  Here they are.  I think the Key Lime looks the best on the outside....and have no clue how they will taste.  That will be a future post.  I am going to slip the cakes in the morning when Frank goes to cut the heat on and nobody but the ones of you reading this post will know....where they came from.  Will you keep my little secret?


  1. I love the idea that when the grandchildren had an idea for a venture, the grandfather built them a building!!!! How sweet is that!?!

  2. Wow what a great week. We just are finishing our spring break, but that means 9 weeks of school with no breaks until summer vaca! Those building are beautiful, love the cozy little chapel! And those cakes look delish...I am sure they will love them!

  3. I really love the chime picture and your outdoor pics are cool-they look like a moment captured in time where everything was still just for that moment you took the pic.

    Did you do a blog redesign? I like it:).

  4. That little family village is great, what a way to keep the whole family nearby.

    That church sign is a good one and I like the dirt road too.

    Since I don't really know where you'll be attending church this morning I think I'll forgo the phone call to alert them of the name of the cake maker! :)

  5. What an amazing family to have all those shops for the children.

    I love that you're going to surprise them with the cakes.

    Hugs & love,

  6. Your photos are great, Karen.

    How did you get all of that done and teach school too? Amazing!

    No wonder you're so ready for Spring Break.

    Hang in there, April will be here soon.

    Sweet dreams.

  7. I'm with Sara - that is such a cute idea. I want to go there & buy stuff. And then eat some of that luscious looking cake - can't wait to hear how they were.

  8. Your secret us safe with us!!!!

    Great cakes!

    Our spring break is a few weeks away as well!


  9. great pictures. I loved the one of the path

  10. That is a fantastic tie! I really loved all your pictures. I think my favorite is the old barn one.

  11. Hard to wait that long for spring break. Hang in there. After that the end will come, oh so soon!
    I enjoy your church signs and have started to pay more attention.
    All your photos are good!
    The tie is great!

  12. Such a pretty tie. yummy cakes!


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