
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Here Comes the Bride.....and Groom!

Sunday morning broke and looked like it was going to be another glorious day.  The wedding we have all been waiting on finally took place.  Mr. M.L. and Heather tied the knot at the end of our church service today.  It was such a special ceremony.  Many of their family, church family, and friends gathered to witness this precious couple tie the knot.  It was such an awesome moment in time.  After the wedding we went down to the fellowship hall for a fabulous reception that Heather, M.L., and Danielle prepared for their guests.  There was enough food to feed Randolph County.  Heather is a magnificent cook and has been preparing food for this day for weeks.
Waiting on his bride-to-be at the altar.

Saying vows and it was the sweetest thing.  Heather looked him in the eye and took in every word he said to her.  I thought it was so touching.

Ceremony was over and the couple got their first married couple kiss.

Frank introduced them to the congregation.

Frank and M.L. discussing life at the reception.

The gift table was so pretty.

I loved the fruit presentation.  Those star fruit (carambolas) really add to the eye appeal.

Waste not, want not.  Heather used the base of her celery for decoration.

Cutting one of the many cakes present.

The newlyweds are honeymooning in a cabin.  I wish them the very best and many years of love and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Looks and sounds like a wonderful day! And the food looks scrumptious!


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