
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mother Nature's Revenge

Two weeks ago we had rain for a solid week.  It was miserable.  The wind blew, the rain fell, the lightening was over and the sun came out and it was a gorgeous weekend.  On Monday of that next week the rains returned and it was chilly and miserable once again.  Randy's celebration was on Saturday and it was an outdoor event so I was delighted when by Thursday the rains moved on and the sun returned.  The temperatures were in the 70's during the day and 50's at night...perfect.  The weekend was wonderful.  Yesterday we were placed under a tornado watch.  I made sure I got home before the nasty weather 8 last night....the storm began moving in.  The wind was unreal...the lightening and thunder...the pelting rain.  We were in the moderate severity hail was a possibility.  Do I know if it hit?  Nope...I went to bed around 9 and died.  This morning I left the house for school and it was 38 degrees.  It was cold!  What is this I wondered?....Cold is over....or it should be.  From Wadley to Daviston there were broken tree limbs and trees scattered on the road.  It is now only 42....and in my eyes....still cold.  I  am a 70's kind of girl.  I love that set of temperatures.  It is perfect weather.  So, Mother Nature reared her ugly head last night....many lost power....some lost trees in their yards.....Spring is definitely coming in like a lion.  I hope it goes out.....and a lamb.  You know the most wonderful thing about rain....and that  in Genesis 9:13 (New International Version, ©2011)  we are told "13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." 

Yep.....rainbows rule....PTL! Have a happy Tuesday you guys!

1 comment:

  1. It was bad here last week...a tornado touched down in the south end of the county and damaged some houses. That just doesn't happen here.
    Last night we had some heavy rain...the water in the creeks and rivers are way out their banks.


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