
Monday, April 4, 2011

The Countdown Has Begun

It is Monday..... and not just any is the Monday before Spring Break.  I never thought I would make it.  I have felt like the little engine that cold for the last two months.  Every day about the end of third block....I begin telling myself....."I think I can."  "I think I can."  You see, our break is late this year and I am tired.  No, that is an understatement.  I am past tired....I am pure T exhausted.  I am not the only one who is tired....the kids are tired too.  Any other year our break would have been two...almost three weeks ago.  It feels like this year has just stretched out into the great oblivion.  One bright spot in an otherwise gray existance is that my friend, Trina, has begun yet another countdown in her room.  She put cute little green slips up across the board with the number of days we have of this morning.....(not counting the weekend....or Spring Break....we have 34 days left until Summer.  It makes me want to shout!  The day is almost over....and Spring Break is another day closer.  Will I make it....who"I think I can....I think I can."  Ask me again on Friday.  Have a great day my friends!

1 comment:

  1. We only have 5 more Mondays (not counting the day after Easter!)...I think we can! :D


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