
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Project 365 - Week 14

It is that time of week again when I display all the pictures I have taken this week.  I am going to give you a break though because I took over 100 pictures this week.  It has been a busy week.  If you want to see the rest of the collections then hop over to Sara's blog and see everybodies contributions.  I am so amazed each week at what attracts us to take a picture.  I am already plotting out this week's shots.
Sunday - March 27th

The dogwoods are blooming early and Easter is four weeks away.  I had planned to take pictures of the dogwoods for my Easter Sunday shot....but I am thinking they won't be around then.

Monday-March 28th

Wisteria is in full bloom.  I love how pretty they are and how much they look like clusters of grapes.  I hate it though when they take over other trees.  I prefer them to be grown apart from other trees and just free standing.  These were taking over the whole area beside the house they were near.

Tuesday - March 29th

In the McDonalds parking lot I found not just one, but two cars with interesting vanity plates.  Do you get the feeling that these car owners are Alabama fans?

Wednesday - March 30th

Sierra's new hair do. 

The Youth Group at our church.  Good looking bunch don't you think? 

Thursday - March 31st

I was delighted to find Pink Dogwoods blooming near the house.  They are so lovely.

Friday - April 1st
Prom night at Handley High School

 Stiles, one of our youth, and his date.  Are they not lovely. 
Prom dresses have changed a lot since I was in high school.  This one was very unusual and very see through. 

 Lyndi, another one of our youth, and her date.  Her dress was awesome.  She looked like a princess
Family shot of Lyndi and her mom and dad and her date and his mom and grandparents.  This is one very special family.

Lyndi's flowers were breathtaking.  I don't even like stargazer lilies...but this blue one was stunning.

Saturday - April 2nd
Randy's Beat Leukemia Celebration
Today was the big celebration for Randy at their tree house.  People from everywhere came and celebrated this monumental occassion.  Still Magnolias sang,with the help of many of our musician friends, out in the back yard at the fire pit.  It was a glorious day....the weather was awesome, stories were plentiful and there was enough food to feed an army.  Missi and I roughly counted over a hundred in attendance.  A great time was had by all.  Randy and Amanda throw a great party that is for sure.  It was fun meeting people I had only known on the Caring Bridge site and visiting with folks I have not seen in years.  It was also fun to be together as Still Magnolias again.  We have not sung together in quite a while.
Patti - she is going to make us famous one day.  Amanda and I wrote a song about her when we were in Knoxville a few years ago.  "Patti's Got Her Wheels On" is a great song about the empowerment of women.  Patti is one of my true idols.  She is an amazing woman.

Kimbal....I don't know what we would do without him.  He took such good care of Randy when Amanda was away at work.  He is one of a kind.  Here he is telling one of his infamous stories.  I wish you all could meet him. 

One third of Still Magnolias, Rebecca.  It was wonderful to see her again.  We have missed being together so much over the last year. 

Frank and Dustin swapping FSU tales.  Dustin is our sweet Ramona's husband.  He is a wonderful man. 

Sister, Linda and her husband Victor holding Drew baby.  Drew belongs to Ramona and Dustin. 

Is that not the sweetest face?  Drew is such a sweetheart.  David and Susanna have Wheeler and Tommy and Ramona is expecting William Alexander in about 3 weeks.  Our family is growing by leaps and bounds and it is so wonderful to have these little ones lighting up our lives.  Life was good this week.  I sit here feeling very blessed and loved.  Have a great day and wonderful next week.  My heart is running over and I have to leave you with "Love You All and thank you so much for all the prayers you have prayed during the past nine months for Randy and Amanda.  He truly is a living example of the awesomeness of God.  PTL!


  1. What a beautiful week of flowers; another blogger posted pics of her dogwood as well! So pretty! And hubby and I chap. prom at his HS in 3 weeks. I love doing it; so much fun, but I have to agree, dresses are not what they once were!!

  2. Some serious celebrating going on in your little corner of the world!

    It seems like pretty much anything goes for prom dresses these days, as long as it's got some bling and poof :)

    Enjoyed all your photos! Have a great week :)

  3. Our dogwoods and wisteria are in full bloom here too! I love it!!!

    Dogwood is one of my favs...I am still trying to get my husband to plant one in my yard! There is one down the street that is a peach color...gorgeous. I will have to go take a picture of it!

  4. I loved seeing the prom kids, especially that bouquet! I've never seen a girl take a bouquet before.

    Hugs & love,

  5. LOVE the dogwood pics - gorgeous! Our neighbor has a wisteria bush - he keeps it under control :) It will be a while longer before it blooms.

  6. I saw a girl with the same blue hair tips this week. Is it a trend?
    Granddaughter is thinking prom dress right now. She's in luck, anything goes. Who knows may find one at Goodwill.
    Interesting license plate messages. Fun trying to figure them out.
    Your flowers take the prize. Our daffodils are out by the dozens, all of a sudden--poof!

  7. Awww... That little boy was a cutie. And, uh, well that one dress makes me say yikes! I hope my daughter is a little more modest cuz otherwise we're gonna have a looonnngg talk.

  8. Is it really prom already? OMgosh this year has gone by so fast. I know prom dresses have totally changed. Love all the flower pictures...still waiting for ours to bloom. It is only 44 here today. Brrr because it is dreary and wet too.


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