
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Miss Priss, Melissa, Missi

Today, 48 years ago my cousin Melissa was born. She was (and still is) one of the cutest things ever. I adored her from the moment she was born and I was nine years old. I got to spend the weekend with Missi and her husband Clay because they were here for the big Randy Celebration. They stayed with us and I love it when they come. If I could have ever hand picked sisters of my very own....Missi, Amanda, Linda and Terri would be mine. We call each other sister/cousins. I think that sums it up. So...since today is the actual day....Happy Birthday Miss Priss, Melissa, Missi....I wish you many many more....and hope I am there to celebrate each and every one with you. Love you!
Terri, Amanda, Aunt Shirley, Linda, and Missi

Terri, Amanda, Linda, Missi and Aunt Shirley - Christmas at Terri's
Front - Missi, Second row (left to right) - Linda, Amanda, Terri, Back row - Aunt Shirley and Hayward.  I am truly blessed with a wonderful family.

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