
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One of Life's Sweetest Moments

The school year is winding to a close.  I personally have four days left at school with kids.  One is a whole day, two are half days, and the last one is unknown....yet.  In college we would have called that day TBA(To be announced).  But...this post is not about is about the Kinder Stars of Rock Mills School who graduated last night.   I don't know that I have ever been to a kindergarten graduation.  I have never been anywhere that had one.  I have to admit I was a bit curious when we got there at 5:45  and there was a little stage set up in the middle of the gym floor.  Rock Mills is a K-8 school....last night the Kindergarten graduated and tonight we will attend the 8th grade graduation....another first in my books. But...back to last night.  We sat down with Ron and Beth....we were there to see Dr. Schnitzel (their grandson) graduate.  He is adorable and Frank and I both love him to death.  The program began with fresh faced little ones sitting patiently on the stage....that alone is a feat.  The teacher, Ms. Moore told something special about each one.  I can't believe she did that without showing any preference to any one child.  Each child had something positive was amazing.  Then came the performance.  They sang a series of about ten songs to show off all they had learned. Some of these songs were from the Curious George Soundtrack.   This was so very precious....because you had the ones who were going to show out, the serious performers, and the wall flowers.  The little girls all looked like they had taken dance lessons before....and a few voice lessons as they wiggled and giggled and belted out the lyrics to "You're A Grand Old Flag."  It was very mpressive I must say....then they did a day of the week song to the tune of the "Adams Family,"  A numbers  and months of the year song to the tune of the "Macarena"....and a series of other songs to a boogie woogie beat and other familiar/not so familiar tunes.  I was very impressed with their presentation.  After the music....the students left the stage to change into their little caps and gowns.  Ok, I thought...this I have got to see. In my teaching career....I have done some 25 I know what this looks like on a big person.  While we waited for the little ones to return we watched a slide presentation of the year.  It was one of the best I have ever started with first day with every remember there was not but around 15 of them.. After first day we saw them painting, doing math, carving pumpkins, doing their Christmas program, every single thing they did throughout the year went on the screen with music to back it up.  No child was left out....and you could not tell who the teacher's pet was...if she even had one.  This teacher genuinely loved these little ones.  Many parents and grandparents....and even me....had tears running down their faces as the children filled the screen and the lyrics filled the gym...of course it did not help that Lonestar's "Let Them Be Little" was playing in the background.  These precious little  Kinder Stars....were soon going to be Kinder Graduates.  The slide show ended, the lights came up, and the little ones marched in wearing  their tiny little white caps and gowns.  Let me tell you....if you have never witnessed a kindergarten should....those little guys were absolutley adorable.  They looked like miniatures of my seniors....the only difference was...they received awards for doing well on their Dibbles, for playing well with others....etc.  Each little name was called, they were given a rolled scroll (and the boys held it up to the light and looked through it, and popped each other with it), returned to their seat on the stage and after the applause they were presented to us as the Class of 2023.  Whoa....that is 12 years from now...and No way will I still be teaching.  The now graduates were instructed to rise and they sang their good-bye song, "See You Later, Alligator."  What a sweet way to spend 45 minutes.  I am so used to two hour+ graduations....this was absolutely precious.  So...for all the little ones who are graduating and going to first grade, ninth grade, seventh grade, another grade.....have a fun summer and be safe!  There will be a teacher there to meet you in the fall!  God Bless our Children!


  1. I don't have any little ones anymore; but if I did, I'd want them to go to that school!

    Best wishes to you and enjoy your summer!

  2. I love to see a teacher loving being a teacher! (I realize that's extremely bad grammar!) How great that you couldn't tell if she had a "pet"!

  3. And God Bless our teachers!

    Hugs & love,


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