
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Red White and Hodgepodge-Volume 28

Welcome to my Wednesday Hodgepodge responses.  If you want to read more....visit our weekly hostess, Joyce at "From This Side of the Pond."  What to participate?  Grab the questions each week, give your responses, and then add your link to the bottom of Joyce's post and then be sure you hop around and visit some of the other bloggers. It is a lot of fun and a great way to get to know your blogging buddies.
Ready to begin?  Well, here we go.....
1. What is something about living in this country that you value? 'This country' is whatever country you call home. I have to agree with Joyce, I love that America is still considered the land of opportunity. 
2. What is a favorite something you own that is red white and/or blue?  I have the flag that was draped on my father's coffin in a flag display box....and Frank has the flag of his grandfather also in a box.   Both flags are prized possessions.
3. Do you fly a flag at your house on patriotic holidays?
No because I do not have a flag flyer at the parsonage where I live.  I do however participate in patriotic holiday services...and usually sing Lee Greenwoods, "God Bless the USA."
4. What ingredients do you think should be included in a great picnic basket?
Chicken Salad, and/or Pimiento and Cheese with crackers, some other assorted cheeses, a fruit assortment of blueberries, strawberries, apples, and pineapple.  Some nice lemonade or a nice bottle of wine.  Yummmy!
5. What is one interesting piece of trivia you know? Interesting is of course a relative term.
I actually have two....Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable and....Los Angeles' full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula." I think I would move to Oakland if I had to say that every day.
6. Wednesday, May 24th is National Escargot Day...have you ever tried them? Eww or ooh?
I tolerate. I  do not have this dish often but when I do I enjoy them cooked in white wine and garlic as long as I don't give a whole lot of thought to what it is....and can remove the slug image from my head.  I have eaten them several times....and don't put up a big EEEEEWWWWW what is that scene when they are offered.
7. What is something you know for sure?
God gave His only that whoever believes will not perish but have eternal life!   Whooo hoooo!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Graduations for me began last Thursday night....Taylor graduated from Randolph County High School and I so wanted to be was my friend, Tammy's first graduation as principal....but did not make it.  Monday and Tuesday nights I sat through kindergarten and eight grade graduation at Rock Mills Junior High and Thursday night this week is Handley High School's and Friday is Benjamin Russell's.  How many graduations (college, elementary, high school) have YOU been to this graduation season?  I would love to know that someone besides me is warming benches in gyms.  The kindergarten had a beautifully done slide show and this song just reached out and grabbed every heart string I daughter is soon to be 31....the days of kindergarten graduation are over.....Happy Wednesday and if you have children who ARE little....go give them a little love...and enjoy your time with will be gone before you know it.


  1. That's a lot of graduations! I have not been to any this year but I am going to a party for a recent college grad. My baby graduates from uni next year. I love the Lonestar song...time flies doesn't it?

  2. Hi Karen!

    I want to go on a picnic with you and all those goodies packed in your basket! Yum! Hope your school year ends well....almost over kiddo!

  3. "I think I would move to Oakland if I had to say that every day." That was the funniest thing I've read all day!

    My teenage son made a video of our baby son and put it to "Let them be Little." If interested, search my blog for it. Makes me cry every time.

  4. What a sweet song! I was invited to the high school graduation but didn't go. Last year I asked, "who would come to this if they didn't have to?" So I didn't go. I also didn't go to one of my school's kindergarten graduation, and the other school had theirs during the day when I wasn't there.

  5. After Thursday, I will have been to two graduations this year, although I worked in the concession stand during the first one (none of my children were graduating at that one). As a teacher, I firmly believe that I will be attending more graduations in the future.

  6. Didn't know that about Los Angeles!
    I am so ready for a picnic after reading everyone's answers today.

  7. I went to a Homeschool Graduation the other night - a first for me. There were only 4 graduates. Shame on me, cause I thought the Graduation might be pathetic. I am so happy I was totally WRONG!! It was a wonderful evening done in a very classy, respectful way. So glad I went!!


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