
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Project 365 - Week 19

It is that time of week again and Sara over at "...make music from your heart to the Lord" has got her Mr. Linky up and running so that all of the photographer want to be's and are's...can post their weeks offerings.  I can't wait to see what everyone has to offer.  What?  You want to see too?  Head over to Sara's blog and check them out.
Sunday, May 1st
I love the beach and my sweet friend, Melinda.  Melinda went to visit my mom a lot when she was in the nursing home.  She would talk to her and read to her and pray with her and I just have to say...Melinda is an angel on earth.  When I left the praise band and moved to Roanoke, Melinda made this picture at the beach....framed it....and believe me it is one of my most prized possessions.

Monday, May 2nd
Our school system asked us all to get Apple Airport Extreme routers so that some of our computer glitches would stop.  I complied and here is mine....with my mom's funny bunny watching over the installation.

Tuesday, May 3rd
Tonight I used my studio again to practice with lights and glass.  My pineapple is one of my most treasured prizes from my trip to Hawaii.  I love crystal things and in my little table top studio I can do some pretty amazing things with glass and light.

This was my coursage from Jan and Keith's wedding.  Susan's mom, Francis made it for me.  She remembered how much I loved orchids and made sure I got to wear one while I directed Jan's wedding.  This is another one of my little cherished trinkets.  BTW...I have another trinket they gave me many years a gift...when I got married.  I will make sure to share it with you soon....I don't even know if Susan remembers this one.

Wednesday, May 4th

I took the day off today.  I had a small melt down on Tuesday because I was dreading Mother's Day.  Frank made it a very special All About Karen Day....and took me to get my gun carry permit, took me out to lunch in Wedowee at the Main Street Cafe (they have awesome chicken salad), took me to visit Mrs. Bobbie at the Inn, and then took me to the Ella Smith museum.   One of the things that made Roanoke famous was the Ella Smith doll.  It was indestructible.  I found out about this doll from the Welcome to Roanoke sign and then researched it thoroughly.  Wednesday we finally got to go to the museum.  After checking out the museum we discovered the original Ella Smith house (now a law office) and the pidgeon bird house in it's back yard.  This one is actually a replica of the real one.  Behind the house is what used to be her factory.  There WAS a historical sign there....but the man who lives in the factory/house....did not want it near his house so it is gone.  No one knows where it is.

Thursday, May 5th - Cinco De Mayo

 Between New Site and Daviston is this sweet little church.  I had not noticed this sign on their marquee until today.  I drive by this thing twice a on earth did I miss it?  They must have run out of the letter "s" because the cross is shy one.  I still thought it was a most profound sign. 

Friday, May 6th
Frank and I went to the lawyers today to get the probating of my parent's estate ball rolling.  On our way home we decided to dine out at a new restaurant just outside of the Roanoke city limits.  We had seen the sign and knew it was open....just never thought to eat there....until Friday.  The menu was kind of sparce....and that concerned me a I went with old faithful....I judge most restaurants on their hamburger...if they do a good one....I go back....if they don't....I don't.  This hamburger was amazing....and our waitress was delightful.  She was full of ideas of things we should try from the menu....we had fried green beans...and they were delish....with them came fried green tomatoes, fried okra and onion rings....all very tasty.  Frank had a country friend steak and it was big...and good.  We both had twice baked potatoes as a side...and they were the best I have ever eaten....Frank had cole was yummy....and the waitress brought me two hushpuppies to try....mouthwatering!  If you are every headed to Roanoke...near the Chambers County will find this little hidden treasure.....stop in and try them out.  You won't be sorry.  If you love fried livers (yuck)....they have them on the menu on Thursday nights.  Oh, I forgot one thing...they are only open for business on Thursday - Saturday.

Saturday, May 7th
Still Magnolias had a gig today in Columbus, GA at the River Center.  We did a mini Grand Ole Opry with some of our most talented friends.  My sweet Frank was our photographer for the day.  I think he did an amazing job so we changed his title from Road/Tech Official Picture Taker.  LOL!
Stan Edwards on fiddle.  He and his wife, Marsha own Bunk House Blues just outside of Columbus.

Marsha (purple), Rebecca (red), Amanda (with guitar), Me (all black), Joey Allcorn (cowboy in glasses).

Frank's prized picture is a timber rattler, the deadliest snake in the United States.  A BBQ cook off, craft fairs, food kiosks, and a snake awareness class (, were all going on in Columbus on Broadway while we were singing.  Let me tell you, the food cooking was amazing....not for sale....and being prepared right in front of us.  I was so hungry....

Tuning up before a number.  After the gig we loaded up, took Amanda back home, headed to Auburn and spent a remarkable couple of hours with Kat and Brian at Moe's.  It is becoming our Auburn tradition.  It seems like it is about the half way point for us.  We had such a great visit.  My Mother's Day is lasting a long from Jeni, Sam and Austen on Friday....lunch and gifts from Kat and Brian on just does not get much better than this.  It is time to go but I wanted you to know I had a fun week with pictures.  I hope you enjoyed viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking them.  Happy Trails!


  1. praying for you today, Karen. These "1st" are always so hard.

    So many wonderful pictures this week. I need to ask how you like the apple router?

    I am getting your tumbler out Monday in the mail!! I am so sorry it has taken me this long!

  2. great pictures. looks like a busy week

  3. Great pictures this week. I had to laugh at you getting your carry gun permit on a day when you were feeling so emotional - Frank is a brave man :)

    I was thinking about you this morning. I've been feeling pretty emotional too - and this is my 6th mother's day without my mom. Some years are easier than others I guess.

  4. I was thinking of you today and remembering that 1st Mother's day without mine. Glad that you had an amazing week -- what a sweetie your Frank is -- wish I could hear you sing.


  5. I loved reading about your week. you made me hungry talking about the diner y'all ate at!

  6. How cute is that little bunny on your router?! *smile
    Loved seeing your singing group too.
    (((Hugs))) for you on this Mother's Day. May sweet memories be your comfort today.

  7. I love the pictures this week. You always seem to do so much and you document it so well.

    I agree the firsts are hard. Went through a lot of them after my dad died and tried to help my mom too. I won't say it gets better but the ability to get through them grows.

  8. I love little restaurants that are surprisingly so very good! And everything you talked about sounded delish!! Praying that you had a nice day and had memories of your mom to get you through.

  9. Always interesting.
    Good photos. I enjoyed seeing some of your prized possessions.
    The corsage is beautiful.
    Looks like you have fun with your music group.
    Glad for all the Mother's Day specials to ease your pain.

  10. The restaurant sounds good, I'll bet you were stuffed!

    That snake looks like he was just a wee bit too close for my comfort. At first I thought you said it was one of Frank's most prized possessions, I had to go back and re-read that it was one of his best photos!


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