
Friday, May 6, 2011

Welcome to the World Baby Will

My precious niece/cousin, Ramona and her husband, Dustin had a baby, William Alexander Hughes on April 29th.  Little Will weighed in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 inches long.  He was greeted into the world by his parents, his big brother Drew, all of his grandparents, family members, and friends of the family.  He has reddish hair and is a living doll.....but then I am not a bit prejudiced.
William "Will" Alexander Hughes

Drew Hughes - Big Brother

 The family - Dustin (dad), Ramona (mom), Drew (big brother) and Will (new edition).
The Grands.  Randy and Amanda rejoicing in the moment.

I would love to know what Randy was telling Will during their first man to man talk.
I have to admit.....I am a bit partial to my family and think they are pretty great people.  Ramona and David both are the closest things to a niece and nephew I will ever have of my own.  I love them both madly and they have given our family four of the most adorable boys over the past two years.  Thank you both for giving us the blessing of seeing life going on. 

A baby is a gift of life

Born of the wonder of love,

A little bit of eternity

Sent from the Lord above,

Giving a new dimension

To the love between husband and wife

And putting an added new meaning

To the wonder and mystery of life.

To that I add a reverent....Amen!  Happy Friday!


  1. Congratulations! He is precious and a beautiful blessing from God.

  2. He is very cute - and I really like his name. IThis must be baby season as I know of so many new babies (and grandbabies) born in the last couple of weeks! I miss having a baby in the family!

  3. Ahhhh! What a beautiful, sweet baby!!! Big hugs and congrats all around!


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