
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Project 365 - Week 22 - May 22nd - 28th

This was my last week of school and it was my pictures are kind of crazy too.  There is no rhyme nor reason to these so I hope you bear with me.  If you want to join is not too late....jump on over to Sarah's blog and see what Good photographers can do.

Sunday, May 22nd - Graduation Sunday

Sunday was graduation Sunday at Rock Mills.  We acknowledged ALL the graduates....The top and bottom pictures are two of our high school graduates....Lindsey graduated from Handley High and Taylor graduated from Randolph County High.  Libby, the young lady in the middle graduated from Rock Mills Junior did P.J. and Alexis...but I did not catch them to get a picture.  We also had Billy and Collin who graduated from Kindergarten.  If was fun acknowledging their accomplishments.  Lindsey is planning to study to be a nurse at Southern Union in the fall....and Taylor leaves in August for the Navy.

Monday, May 23rd
We had kindergarten graduation tonight at Rock Mills and on my way home I noticed this sweet little trellis with purple flowers on it.  I felt like that termite in the Orkin commercial...that stops and stares at the house...and then speeds off when the owner and Orkin man look back...I stopped in the middle of the road...focused as closely as I could...snapped and ran.

Tuesday, May 24th

Tuesday night after Rock Mills 8th grade graduation I caught this shot from Walmart's parking lot.  I could not believe that the trees and the sun were so helpful.

Wednesday, May 25th

Mary rode to school with me today because her husband, Bill, needed her car.  When I took her home I noticed how windy it was and got a neat shot of the glads her kids planted for her....for Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 26th
Today was the day of the horrible storm.  Frank got called out about halfway into it....a tree had fallen across CR 91 and had powerlines, cable and phone lines dangling.  This was the trunk of the tree.  He took me to see what was left after the storm.  The haze is because I had to take it out of the car window...and there was a lot of steam coming off the road.  Is that not a huge tree?  No one was hurt...and no house was damaged.  It was just a big annoyance.  The picture below I took down the road a bit later....Frank says this is where chocolate milk comes from.  What do you think?

Friday, May 27th

Today was my last day of school....Whoooo Hooo.  The light hydrangea is from the front will be in the new flower bed Frank is creating.  The other two pictures are the beds he has made for me in the back yard.  The first one...on the right side of the steps has three hydrangeas...and one azalea in it so far.  The left side bed has two azaleas and a rose bush.  I can't wait to see them grow.  Frank was really proud of his sign this week.  He is a Navy Veteran and really takes military holidays very serious. 

Saturday, May 28th

We are having trouble with night pictures...with and without a flash.  Now that I am out of school I am going to study up on this.  Frank made the top picture so you all could see his lights and his flag.  I made the bottom using night portrait mode...and it blurred the lights.  Oh know the old adage...if at first you don't the manual dummy!  We went to see "Pirates of the Carribbean" tonight in Lagrange.  It was not my favorite one...but it was good.  Hope you enjoyed my offerings and I will see you all next week.  I hope to get some cool shots this week.


  1. Not a pirates of the caribbean fan, but I can't wait to go see Kung Fu Panda 2, and it's got nothin' to do with having kids. Call me a kid at heart, I suppose. :)

    Your flower beds look pretty and I liked the church sign!

  2. I like the sunset picture and your church sign.

    Have a great week.

  3. I have heard so many say that pirates was not I have decided to wait till it comes out on video. I did see Thor and really enjoyed it!

    your flowers beds are lookin good!!!

  4. love then church sign. that's a strong and very true statement.

  5. We call them 'drive-by shootings' when we stop and quickly take a photo before driving on :) Sometimes you get the best shots that way!

    You've given us a fun week's worth of photos.

    P.S. If you figure out the night-time photo thing, let us know! I can't get a decent night shot to save my life.

  6. last week of school--woohoo!

    Lindsey graduated from Handley High and Taylor graduated from Randolph County High. -- My daddy graduated from Woodland HS ;)

    Love the trellis
    sunset shot was awesome!
    trunk of the tree--that same system is what killed those two here in ATL.

    Beds made back yard--so nice.

  7. That sunset picture is pretty amazing - good job!

    I had to laugh at your Monday picture - that's how I get my Tax Time Pig pictures - and results definitely do vary :)

  8. Really like the sign at the Church!
    Very timely.

  9. Love that saying on the church sign and that's a great sunset pic.

    Good luck with learning about your camera. I'm just lazy a use my little on in point & shoot mode.

    Hugs & love,

  10. I enjoyed your photos.
    I remember the end-of-school relief.
    Espero que disfrutes enormemente las vacaciones.


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