
Friday, May 27, 2011

This Is It!

I left Alex City yesterday afternoon just ahead of a horendous storm.  It rained on me from New Site to Daviston...and then quit.  From Wadley to the big turn in rained again....and I could see terrifying lightening behind me....and I could feel the wind tossing my little HHR around...but the rain was not so bad that I could not see.  As I got out of my car...the bottom fell out....lightening was popping all around and the rain was coming in sideways.  I just made it into the house.  Lightenng hit a huge tree on CR 91 and Frank had to go out and do his Firefighter thing....the tree blocked he road and had live power lies broken.  When he got home we ate the wonderful salad he made....(enough to feed an army)....and called Renee to see if she would like the rest.  We took it to her....road around so I could get my Project 365 picture for the day.....went home and crashed.  I did not want to get up today.....I can't imagine why....griefus!  Today is MY last official day for the year.  Teachers are actually supposed to work on Tuesday after Memorial Day....but I figured for a 1/2 day the two hour drive was ridiculous.  I am going to have all my stuff done before I leave today and I feel a terrible headache coming on for Tuesday.  Late breaking news....I just found out that I am getting a new computer for next year....a Dell 790 with Office 10.  I am so excited.  So today, after I finish getting my room in order I am backing up all the files on the computer.  I cannot wait!  Today was the "official" last day of school for the was a make up day for the was supposed to have been our work day, which they bumped up to Tuesday....and at 8 this morning we had a grand total of 9 kids here.  Our student population is over a thousand...and since we took exams on Wednesday and Thursday the kids had no reason to the ones who are here are helping teachers who are moving on (due to retirement)....or moving rooms....move.  I like room is empty and the only sounds are coming from my Pandora radio.  I am listening to the Indigo Girls right now.  It is wonderful!  I have lots to I am going to get busy and get done....maybe we will get to leave a bit early today....keeping my fingers crossed.  Be sure and stop back late tomorrow and see my Project 365 offerings.


  1. So thankful you made it safely home yesterday - scarey stuff!!

    Hope today goes smoothly and you can get away a bit early to begin the SUMMER!!

  2. So glad you were safe in your drive. Enjoy your summer. Only 9 students! I wouldn't go in either on Tuesday. Have a great weekend.

  3. We had a terrible hail storm yesterday as I was coming home. No damage to my car...those Hyundais are pretty durable!
    Hope you had a good LAST DAY!


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