
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

BBQing and Painting - A Most Unlikely Conversation.

BBQ on Saturday, BBQ on Sunday, BBQ on Monday for lunch.  Last night when supper time rolled around Frank said, how about some eggs and bacon for supper.  I don't think I can take anything else that has passed over a grill fire.  I was in 100% agreement.  I love BBQ's...but this weekend we were in BBQ overload.  I cooked dinner quickly when we noticed a terrible storm heading our way and I was afraid our power might go out.  I finished dinner just as the thunder and lightening started.  The rain held off for another hour.  We did NOT go to fireworks last night.  We sat out on our carport and watched nature's fireworks at their finest.  We could hear families around us shooting off bottle rockets, roman candles, and firecrackers....but for some reason the weather was not something I wanted to be out in.  I wanted to be tucked away in the bed with a good book and listening to some long needed rain falling.  I did see the Montgomery, AL fireworks at the Biscuits game on television thanks to Rich Thomas.  They were nice.  I had a great weekend shared with family and friends qnd today I go into upheaval mode.  Frank and I live in a parsonage so for the past three weeks my windows, doors, and outside trim have been being primed and painted by Delbert.  He is a local painter who gets here about 8 and leaves around 4 and works diligently.  The windows look amazing.  Today though he is starting inside the house.  He will be doing the ceiling in three rooms:  the laundry room, a guest bedroom, and my room.  He is then going to paint the walls in the laundry room and my room.  We have to move everything in those rooms so he can get around.  He figures it will take a week.  ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!  I am going to be living like I did when we moved in last year....with furniture down the halls and in stuck in places I can't find.  I am going to take the time though to change my desk up.  Right now my desk is a table that was my aunts.  We had nowhere to put it when we moved in....but it is going to a new home and family.  It will be residing next door at Sherry and Keith's Visiting House.  They have been letting me store my ebay stuff there and photograph it this is the least I can do.  I am finally moving the desk from the "Friends" guest room into the office guest room.  That will be exciting.  I am also planning to work one day this week up at my mom's, one day minimum with Amanda, trying to get her house in town ready to rent out so hopefully there will be plenty of opportunities for photos this week.  I also have six more plants to get in the ground.  Wish me luck.  I was going to do that this morning early....but instead I am catching up on blog reading.  I have missed seeing some of you in the last week.  I hope the rest of your week is wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Too much BBQ - I've heard that could happen, but not very often. LOL. Glad you had a good holiday. And you've got the rest of the week scheduled. Gooooo Girl!!


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