
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hodge Podge - Post Holiday

Today is Wednesday so this must be Hodge Podge, thanks to my blogging buddy, Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond.  Each week she comes up with eight random questions so that we can learn something about each other.  Want to play?  Hop over to Joyce's blog and join in the fun.

1. What is the most useful book in your house?  The bible.  It is after all the Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. 

2. What's worse-being too hot or too cold?  My stance on this is that you can take off items of clothing when you are too hot....but you cannot add enough when you are too cold.  Frank is very hot natured So I just keep a blanket laying around for my coolermoments.

3. Share something that made you smile this past weekend.  Babies - BigWheels, Tommy, Drew, Will and Jax.  I loved having the boys around at all the family stuff we had.  I love my family!

4. How do you like your hamburgers? Or don't you?  I love hamburgers.  My thought is that you can tell how good a restaurant is by their hamburger.  I like them all the way (minus cheese).

5. What's your summer beach read? If it's not summer in your part of the world then tell us what book you're reading in front of the fire while sipping hot cocoa.  I have been reading like a vulture....but then I do this every summer.  My favorite book this year was called "The Birthday Bash."

6. How was your birthday celebrated when you were a kid?  Birthdays were special.  Mom made my favorite breakfast, packed my favorite lunch...with a surprise in it, and then Daddy would cook my favorite meal(either ribs or hamburgers).  If there was a party it was always a big thing....but parties were only for special birthdays....13, 16. 21, etc.  I did not realize until I was married the first time that everyone does not share the same concept of birthdays.  My first husband let my 21st birthday go by without so much as a card.  I was over 650 miles from my family and miserable.  Yep I was a spoiled brat.  He finally gave me a gift a couple of weeks after the fact.  He never was good at remembering special days....Frank is totally the opposite.  He delights in surprising me with special days....and I him.

7. What's something that is totally uncool that you love anyway?  Uncool? Who me?   Everything I love and do is cool.

8. If you had a snapshot of one of the most special times in your life what would that picture show?
To be honest there could be hundreds of them.  I have been fortunate to have experienced many of those special moments and if I don't have an actual photograph of it...I have a mental picture or story of it.  The birth of my daughter would have to be that one clear magic moment when all of heaven and earth aligned and life was good.
Kat - age 7 days we were at a July 1st cookout at Judy and Randall's house.  Have a happy Wednesday.


  1. I agree with #8-nothing more perfectly perfect than a newborn's birth-day.

    I like to think I'm totally cool but my girls would beg to differ : )

  2. Bible was my first choice followed by cookbooks. Enjoyed your answers. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  3. Love the memories of your birthday as a child. What a special snapshot that is of you with your 7 day old daughter. Enjoy the rest of your day.


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