
Friday, August 5, 2011

The End of Summer

Well it is here.....the day teachers and students dread.....parents rejoice in.....the day that is destined to happen each and every summer.  Today is the last official day of summer break.  On Monday I will get up at 4:30 and begin making the treck each day to Alex City.  I have to admit it has been a mixed summer.  Amanda and I went to Ramona's for a weekend early into summer, Frank and I hosted the Rock Mills BBQ and Still Magnolias sang, I went to AEA Leadership Conference in Mobile with Frank, I went to an AEA AR training at the Grand National in Auburn, I went to Cape Cod, I read books (lots of them), and I went back and forth to Birmingham to go to the hospital to see my friends Mary and Beth.  All in all that is a relatively good summer.  I would have liked to spend some more time at the beach....but to be really has been entirely too hot.  Today on my last official free day I know you are wondering what I am going to do.....well....I am going to clean my nasty house, put the finishing touches on a powerpoint, work on a shutterfly book, move some furniture around, and read.  I plan to put in a full day of enjoying what I am doing because on Monday....I will be at inservices/institute/working in my room...and you know....I love my I am actually looking forward to Monday.  Remind me of this at Christmas ok?  I truly can remember my own first mom took a picture of each and every one of them.  I thought it was so dorky to stand on my sidewalk and smile with my new supplies.  I will say I have always loved those first days.  It was a time to start anew, get new supplies and clothes, it was almost as good as Christmas.  I loved elementary school more than high school.  I had wonderful teachers....Mrs. Lohr, Mrs. Davidson, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Carlson....and truly believe I teach today because of those wonderful ones.  I won't lie....I had some not so wonderful ones....and they were the reason I hated school.....but you know....I eventually have forgotten their names.  Isn't it funny how that happens?  So I have a question for you....what do you remember most about your first days of school?  Where you excited?  Unhappy?  Tell me what you remember in a comment.....Oh and Happy Friday to you!


  1. I remember before school started each of us went to spend some time one on one with our teacher (Miss Atkins). I got to eat lunch with her. That was really neat. We only wore dresses to school and on cold days could wear long pants under our dresses until we got there....then we had to go to the girls room to take them off before we went to our class. We all wore shorts unter our skirts so our undies wouldn't show on the monkey bars.

  2. You can come see me at the beach this fall when it cools off a bit!

  3. It is wonderful to love your job like you do. Enjoy these final days and have a great school year.

  4. I LOVED having new school supplies, and still do. I was always ANXIOUS to see who was going to be in my class. There were some teachers I was so HAPPY to get and some I was SCARED TO DEATH of. I hated and dreaded math - still do...The down part of school beginning was having to go to bed early on school nights.


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