
Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Simple Woman's Daybook

The Simple Woman says:
Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.
........join us each week....find the link here.

Outside my window....its going to be another hot day...with heat indexes near 100......right now its 73 °F, (23 °C).
I'm seeing gardens burning up under the extensive heat and that makes me sad. speeding down Hwy 22.  The speed limit is 35mph, but they are going much faster this morning.  I guess they are in a hurry to get things done.
I am thinking...about the day ahead and all I plan to do........this is my last weekend before school begins again and I want to leave my house clean, I need to get some school stuff done, but it is so hot and I don't really feel like doing any of it.  I wish I were Samantha on Bewitched and could just wrinkle my nose and have everything done.

Feeling thankful for...a loving husband and daughter, the smell of Frank making coffee, quiet, all of my many blessings, good friends and family, Rock Mills community.

I am remembering...when my daughter was young, when my parents were still alive, when life had less stuff in it.

Creating inventory of my mom's estate for the lawyer, and a powerpoint for a presentation I have to give at school on Tuesday.
I am currently reading....The Little Red Book of Wisdom.  It is one I have to read and review on my blog for Thomas Nelson.  I will finish it sometime over the weekend. 

One year ago today...I was getting ready to start back to school.  I was excited about attending a Women of Faith Conference in Duluth, GA with my dear friends Susan, Mary, and Cindy.  BTW, I will be attending a Women of Faith Conference in Atlanta on the 12th-13th this year with my daughter, Kat.  One of my favorite authors, Sheila Walsh will be speaking.
I am hoping...the sun will stay behind the clouds today and make it not so unpleasant to be outside.
On my mind...inventories, school, house cleaning......doing nothing.....God!

Noticing goes on inspite of me.
Pondering these words.."I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me."

From the kitchen...the smells of cilantro and the fresh salsa I made still permeate the kitchen. 
Around the house...stuff is scattered and needs to be put back in its place, my shoes are exactly where I took them off, there are some spots that need removing, there is so much to do....I just need to belly up and get busy.

I am praying for...Mary to be able to breathe without the help of a ventilator and heal from her multiple surgeries, Kat and Brian and their decision to join the mission field, Frank as he prepares to present the message tomorrow, Beth to continue healing, Candy as she faces cancer options, Erins grandchild, Ireland, Eric and his family, Jeni and her family, all the students who will be returning to the classroom next week, my travel to and from work, my blogging world friends, Amanda and her family, Susan and Chuck as they travel up north, and Rock Mills community and church.
A few plans for the week...clean this nasty house, get my powerpoint done, get the inventory done and to the lawyer, get Frank's air conditioner on his car fixed, get my classroom in order and ready for Thursday.

One of my favorite things...driving up US1 for however far I can go.  There is only one small section I have not been on....and that can be remedied.  There is a whole lot of beauty in this country.

From my picture file....SMAK (Susan, Melissa, Amanda, Karen) trip 2011 to Rhode Island, CT, and MA last weekend.  The picture was taken in Mystic Seaport on the last day.  What a wonderful weekend.  I love these girls and cannot wait to do this again!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I would love to be in a simple place. I know my vacation coming up will feel that way but here at home it's hard to find it. I'm not sure I can even remember the simple days anymore. I do remember the simple days when I was a kid.

  2. I enjoyed your daybook and went to see Rock Mills online. Is the Mill still in operations?
    Mama Bear

  3. Love the photo of you and your Girl Friends!!

    There is always someing we should/Could be doing, but the world keeps turning, regardless.


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