
Friday, August 19, 2011

The Little Red Book Of Wisdom

Author:  Mark DeMoss
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Copyright:  2007, 2011
Genre:  Business, Economincs, Christianity, General
Cost:  16.99 - Harback
ISBN:  978-1-5955-5354-6

My thoughts:  From the moment I opened the package with this postage sized  book in it I knew it was special.  Everything about the book drew me in ... the size, the feel, the binding, the font on the cover, and the title itself.  When I turned to the Dedication page I was hooked.
About the Book:  “The Little Red Book of Wisdom takes the reader on a journey so often sidestepped in favor of the newer, quicker, and easier.  If you’re seeking simplicity in a complicated world, DeMoss’s insights will illuminate your path to a wiser and most deliberate way of living….DeMoss demonstrates what is possible when we value listening and thinking over talking and doing.”  On page 12 DeMoss uses one of my favorite Walt Disney quotes that Disney used when advising people in making career choices, “find a job that you like so much that you’d do it without compensation; then do it so well that people will pay you to continue.”   Chapter 23 talks about answering the “and then what?” questions in life. Mark 8:36 says, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul.”  Even the great Billy Graham has a small confession on regrets  in the book, “Every day I was absent from my family is gone forever.”  Talk about powerful, the next 194 pages are packed full with quips much like this one.
About the Author:  Mark DeMoss wrote this book to thank his father for teaching him so much wisdom and to pass on to his children the wisdom gained from his father, from life experience and from the Bible.   On page 189 of the book De Moss encourages the reader to find other people who follow Christ and spend some quality time with them. He closes with the the words of Max Lucado: “You can afford many wrong choices in life,.  You can choose the wrong career and survive, the wrong city and survive, the wrong house and survive.  But there is one choice that must be made correctly, and that is your eternal destiny.”   His final words are an invitation to write him and tell him about the wisest decision you ever made.
Disclaimer:  I received this book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review.  The opinions expressed are my own. 


  1. It certainly sounds like a wealth of wisdom. Thanks for your sweet visit -- have a glorious week ahead!

  2. Sounds like a good book. Thank you for sharing it.


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