
Saturday, August 20, 2011

What A Week!

The first full week is behind us in the 20111-2012 school year and I am loving my classes.  They are really large this year, but being the only Foreign Language teacher would warrant that.  I have three Spanish I classes - 2nd, 3rd, and 5th blocks and they rock!  I love their enthusiasm and abilities.  I have one Spanish II class during 4th block and it is my smallest class of the day.  Good thing too...I am such a morning person and really do best if I can hit the ground running in the morning and then have my planning period later in the day so I can catch my second wind.....but that is not how it was again this year...the scheduling gods saw fit to give me first period planning.  Sigh!  I get a lot done first block....but I am so tired by 4th block AND it makes for a very long day.  Many teachers LOVE first period planning....I am not one of them.  The fact that I have such wonderful classes makes first period planning doable.  I have afternoon bus duty the month of August and even though it is hot I will be through with my afternoon duty on the 31st of August.  September 1st I begin morning hall duty at the bathroom area in the dungeon, which is between the gym and cafeteria.  My job will be to make sure there is no making out sessions in that hallway.  Once September 30th is over I will be through with those duties for the year.  All in all I guess life is not so bad.  My friend Mary is recovering finally and off the ventilator and doing physical that fact makes me smile.  Our piano player, Beth is recovering my world is sunny right now.  I am looking forward to our first "real" football game and Homecoming, seeing our new (actually remodeled) gym, and getting into all the things the school year brings.  This is the first year in a few that I have not had some dreaded illness hanging over my head.  I think my boss will finally get to see how the "real" Karen performs.  He has been with us for two years and has seen me at my worst....dealing with the disappearance of my parents, and all the deaths I have experienced over the past 22 months.  Life is Good....and I am a happy girl!  I can't wait for you to see my Project 365 pictures this week...especially the one for mystery has been solved...another is still to unfold.  Have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. Sorry you didn't get you planning later in the day. Sounds like getting your extra duties over early in the year is a good thing.
    Glad your friends are doing well.
    I know that I am not real good at remembering things, what did I miss about your parents missing?

  2. I'm enjoying my classes so far, too. Even the kids I was dreading because their reputations precede them. Of course, the year is still way early. LOL

    I hope your year is awesome. You deserve it. Honestly, I don't know how you've handled the last 2 years without completely falling apart. You are a source of inspiration for me, and I'm so glad our friendship has developed over the years.

  3. Nice pictures Bat Girl! :)

    Looks like your week was a full one.


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