
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Project 365 - Week 33

 Well it is Week number 33 and I cannot believe I have not missed a day yet.  This past week was so crazy that I really believed if I were to miss a day or two....this would be the week.  We started back to school on Monday.  The teachers were there Monday through Wednesday and then on Thursday the kids came.  Anyways, want to see some amazing photographers?  If you do then jump over to Sara's blog and check them out.  Want to play along?  There is still time? If you do then get your camera out and start snapping.  Believe me it is fun to chronical your day this way. 

Sunday, August 7th
My beautiful flower bed that Frank made for me has been taken over by two new plants.  We do not know where they came from....and we do not know what they are.  They are blooming, so that means they produce something....but what that something is we have no clue.  The two plants have different leaves. One is lacey (the one pictured here) and one is circular.  I hope they begin showing vegetation soon...I want to know what they are.

Monday, August 8th
I was driving home from Alex City today and saw this patch of kudzu.  Does this not look like a turtle to you?  Or was I just exhausted and imagining things?

Tuesday, August 9th
Something new at school this year.  We have badges we have to swipe to get in and get out.  I don't mind the badge itself.  I am a little aggravated about the swiping in and out concept.  I am a salaried what is the deal?

Wednesday, August 10th
I pass numerous pastures going to and from Alex City.  This day the tractor was far away...he had been cutting hay and now was rolling water hose out for an irrigation system.

Thursday, August 11th

The top and bottom pictures are the blooms from the lacey leafed plant.  The middle picture is the round leaf is a runner and really confusing our doxie.  Beau has a hard time deciding how to get over it.

Friday, August 12th
Thanks to Book Sneeze and Women of Faith I was given a chance to go to Imagine in Atlanta and blog about the event.  It was amazing.  I had two tickets and invited Kat to come along as my date.  I have been to many Women of Faith Conferences....but it turns out thist was Kat's first one.  I am glad we were able to have this experience together. 
One of my favorite speakers, Sheila Walsh.  I love that Scottish brogue laced with a little Southern drawl.  She is amazing.

Lisa Harper from Nashville, TN was the next speaker to delight the audience with her humor laced stories of being a Christian in today's world.

The Women of Faith Praise Team were amazing.  They were even more so when they were singing with Natalie Grant.  I could so see me doing this.

Luci Swindoll spoke to us about World Vision.  She is very funny and was actually suffering from no voice.  She already has a low voice...but the throat issue made it even lower.  Luci is the sister of Chuck Swindoll.  We went back to our hotel....that is a story for another day and why you should NOT book on  It was after 10 when we left.  There was a Braves game AND Falcons game going on....parking was non Kat and I parked in a parking deck that was in the bowels of Atlanta's metro.  If there had not been so many people out and about I would have been afraid. 

Saturday, August 13th
Nicole Johnson who is a tremendous dramatist.  She shared her story in characters and I love her.  I think she makes a wonderful part of the Women of Faith team.

Kat and I made one of those silly self-portraits....I took the first one and it was can tell I am not a digital native.  She took this one and it is much better.

This is the reason I was delighted to be here....This is the group, Mary Mary and they are singing my favorite song, "Shackles."  What you cannot see is that they are barefoot.  I loved it.  They did a whole concert with this ridiculously high heels on....and then took them off and danced in wild abandon across the stage.  I LOVE these girls.

Angie Smith was another one of the speakers.  She is a precious little red head (and I am partial to red heads).  She is married to a member of the band, Selah and talked about the fears women face....and how she faced hers.  Her beautiful little spirit was amazing.  I got home last night....and died.  I cannot remember when I have been so tired.  When Frank got home we went to the church and did the bulletins for Sunday.  Have a great week to everyone and don't forget....have camera will travel!  God Bless


  1. It looks like you had a wondeful time!

  2. I am so impressed that you have not missed one day!!! in 3 years, I have not been able to pull that off!! Kudos for sure!!

    love women of faith. I would have loved to hear Angie...I follow her blog and she has a new book out!

  3. I went to Imagine back in October. With Sara, actually! Program all sounds pretty familiar, except for Angie Smith. LOVE her!! Her blog is amazing. And she could NOT be more gorgeous. Seriously!!

    Sorry about the badge swiping thing you have to do to get to work. That's crummy.

  4. Never been to Women of Faith. Sounds wonderful.
    I think I followed Angie's blog for awhile. Didn't they lose a child?
    Have a great start to the school year.

  5. Yes Rita - Angie carried a child to full term when she knew that the baby had a birth defect that would only allow her to live for a few hours. Then last year she had another baby - she has four girls now.

    I'm so glad you had a good time! Love the self-portrait with Kat.

    I do believe you're going to have some type of veggie from those plants - squash, pumpkins, watermelon - not sure what.

    We have to badge swipe at work too - but it's for security reasons. No one is allowed in our work are who doesn't work there.

  6. A lot of ladies from our church went to that conference!

    I know you had a wonderful time!

    Great week...if I had to speculate on the plants I would say some kind of squash.....those yellow flowers look just like the blooms on my zucchini but they do not shoot out vines....maybe a pumpkin???

  7. Can't believe you have been doing a picture everyday!


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