
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Women of Faith Day 2

Women of Faith Imagine
I don't even know where to begin today.  The Praise Team came out and started the conference off with some amazing music.  There is nothing like seeing thousands of women on their feet with their hands lifted high as their voices fill the room.  It is breathtaking....and as I sang....tears of joy flowed freely down my cheeks.  Sheila Walsh was the first speaker today and she talked about God being like our BFF's.  He has us covered.  She read from Psalm 3:16 and began talking about the troubles we have in our lives.  Sometimes when these troubles are present...we find ourselves asking, "What if the trouble is in me?"  This is especially true with children....because as children we are poor interpreters of facts.  We think all bad is our faults.  While she talked I knew she was right....This was me....I blamed myself for a lot of years for the death of my one accused me....flat out...but I knew if I had not left the brother would still be alive....and with the depression of my mom....I felt she was just so angry she could not talk to me.  I was an adult before I really dealt with this.  Sheila shared her own story....and then her parting comment left us with something an angel once told her, "No matter what we do....the
Shepherd knows where to find you!'  So we are never alone.  What a comforting thought!  Sheila Walsh sang, "It Is Well" before she left the stage....and opened my hearts floodgates.  The next speaker was Nicole Johnson.  Nicole has a book called, "Fresh Brewed Life" (a must read)....and she said that we are all like coffee beans....the process of making coffee is much like our lives. The end result is a fragrant cup of coffee.  Dealing with anger we have to ask ourselves honestly, "Where does it hurt?"  When we can answer that question in our lives then we can deal with anger.  My favorite speaker today was Angie Smith.  She is married to one of the members of Selah.  She has a book called "What Women Fear," and believe me....she is priceless.  She opened her heart about her fears....her hurts...and she told of her very first bible was a Beth Moore (my favorites)...called Breaking Free, this was one of my first studies too....and I don't know about any of you who have done this study....but it was hard for me to open myself up....and share that intimately with anyone....but I did.  Angie added a bit of humor when she said that she personally thought Weds night was a bad night for a bible study.....but you know....when you have never been there....there is really no GOOD night.    She also said that the term bible study is kind of ambiguous...."who knew you had to bring a bible."  Let me tell you....Angie Smith would have you laughing.....and then ripping your heart out as she shared her story.  She challenged us all to get out of the boat....look Jesus in the eye...never take our eyes off Him....and call him the Son of God - the One to Whom I belong!  Lunch break....and then....the moment I had been waiting for......Mary Mary took the stage.  I was thrilled.  They are so dynamic....funny and talented.  I was mesmerized and sang along with them.....especially when they sang "Shackles".  There was so much more....I could write all night....but let me tell Book Sneeze and Women of Faith for allowing me this opportunity.  If you want to attend a Women of Faith event....log onto their website....and go to one of these....I promise you will not be disappointed.  Kat and I had a wonderful Mother-Daughter time together....and it was an amazing weekend!  I am home....< I am not long for this world!  My tank is full....and I have a lot to digest!  God Bless You All!!

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