
Thursday, October 6, 2011

But I Am Still Hungry!

Having worked for a caterer and being a pastor's wife I have to ask you all something today.  Have you ever been to someone’s home for an evening party thinking that dinner was going to be served and you were mistaken?  The last time that happened to me I did not eat lunch because I knew I would be eating a large dinner.  My bowl of Wheaties was gone by 2 and my stomach honestly thought my throat had been cut.  I was so hungry.  Frank and I arrived  hungry only to realize it was an open house and there were only a few finger foods on the table. My biggest problem was that there were little pigs in a blanket (not one of my favoerites, chips and dip, rotel dip and chips, salsa and chips....definitely not fill-her-up foods.)  There I was trying my best to fill up on the finger foods, but to be honest....they just did not satisfy me. Frank and I walked away hungry and as soon as we hit the car said,  , I feel the need to stop at McDonald’s and get a burger!  But as sad as my error in judgement was....Do you know what is really sad?  There are actually many people who leave their churches on Sunday feeling empty every week. They come through the doors starving for the Word of God and some Christian love but when the sermonizing and socializing is over they have not been fed, they leave the building empty, hungry, and frustrated. The even sadder part is that eventually, unless all they want out of church is the security of tradition, or if they just want an entertainment fix, they will be members one Sunday....and then you won't see them again except on your Walmart run.....why because they have gone to find a place that’s offering some substance.  And we wonder why church memberships are on the decline.  Hello!  There are people all over the place....silently screaming...."Feed Me!"  So, what am I supposed to do...I mean I am just one person....How are we to love Jesus? He gives us great insight into the answer when He tells Peter 3 times: "Feed my lambs," "Tend my sheep," "Feed my sheep" (vv.15-17). How do I love Jesus? Love those that are His! Share His heart for the flock. Give yourself to those that HE gives Himself for. His little lambs...His sheep. Don't let them walk away from the party with just finger foods when they were expecting a meal.

1 comment:

  1. Well one thing you do is share your love for God here and I am sure you are helping others with His word.


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