
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hodge Podge Vol 47

It is Wednesday again and this is Hodge Podge Week 47.  I have to admit is seems like yesterday that I did last weeks thoughts and here it is Wednesday all over again.  Want to play along?  Head over to Joyce's blog, grab the questions, answer them, and link up.  It is a ton of fun.
1. What's your favorite meal to serve on a chilly autumn evening?    Oh this is an easy one....any soup or stew, chili, or creamed chipped beef on toast. 
2. Are you a creature of habit? Explain.  I am a partial creature of habit.  I do certain things certain ways....but then I when you least expect it from me I will go off and  do things totally off the wall.  You never know with me. 
3. What food product (no longer readily available) do you remember and miss from days gone by?   Cracker jacks with the good prizes in them, Russo subs (I grew up in South Florida), lemonade from the Hut, A & W brown cows and their hamburgers and don't forget Royal Castle and their root beer in the paper container things.
4. What's something you've lost that you've never been able to find? Any theories as to what happened?  My high school class ring disappeared along with my engagement ring from my first marriage many years ago.  I think my brother-in-laws friend stole them.  I would almost bet money on it.  I just never could prove it.  He could have kept the diamond....I just wanted the class ring back.
5. Zoo~circus~ carnival...your favorite?  Carnival so I can get Italian sausage on a bun with peppers and onions.  There is nothing like it!
6. What song makes you feel instantly happy? Oh come on....there are millions of them.  Remember...Frank's answer to what is Karen's favorite song is, "All of them."  It would have to be The Mighty Quinn (Kat and I call each other when it comes on), or  In the Summertime, or Don't Worry Be Happy, My Uncle Used to Love Me But She Died, Dang Me, the Popcorn song.
7. To what extent are you an argumentative person?   If is it going to matter in 5+ years I may argue about something.  If it does not change the course of human nature or is not going to happen.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  What kind of cornbread is your favorite?  Yellow cake like (Jiffy mix), Mexican, or old fashioned - southern style?  I live in the South and even though southern style should be my is not.  I make good cornbread....but prefer the sweet yellow cakey cornbread...or mexican cornbread.    Maybe if you have a good moist recipe...I will try it if you will send it and become a southern cornbread eater.  Happy Wednesday!


  1. I'm smiling at all the similar answers we have. My husband and I were talking just the other day about the sad prizes in Cracker Jacks these days. Much prefer sweet cakey cornbread!

    "Dang me, dang me, oughta take a rope and hang me...."

  2. Ahhh the eternal cornbread question. I am not a fan of sweet cakey corbread at all. I love the corse cornbread that I can eat with black eyed peas on top. Yum. Now my husband prefers the Jiffy boxed type so I usually switch back and forth.

  3. I don't know what cornbread is, but so many people today have mentioned it on their hodgepodge it has whetted my appetite!

  4. One more day - OMG! Those sounds like interesting items in #3. Don't worry be happy was a fun song! Old Fashioned corn bread is my favorite but I do use Marie Callender sometimes.

  5. Definitely yellow cakey cornbread for me!

    I liked Dang Me, and I spontaneously break out into "King of the Road" every now and then. I think Roger Miller would enjoy that ...

  6. You are right about the Cracker Jacks. I miss them as well!!!!!


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