
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hodgepodge - Volume 56

Joyce's Hodgepodge this week has the cutest title, "Grandma Got Run Over by the Hodgepodge-Volume 56."  I love it!  That is my least favorite Christmas song....but as a blog post title it is perfect.  With all the holiday comings, goings, and doings I feel like this Grandma has definitely been broadsided by a reindeer for sure.  I have really enjoyed doing Hodgepodge with Joyce and her crew.  It is a place where everyone is welcome in the Wednesday Hodgepodge world are my answers to this week's questions and if you want to see what everyone else is saying then head over to Joyce's blog and check it out. 
1. Will you be hosting any house guests between now and the end of December? Does that thought make you happy or crazy? Do you do anything special to make your house guests feel welcome? How long should a guest stay?
I am not officially as of yet hosting anyone at my house.  Kat and Brian will probably come up on Thursday and I may fix dinner for them.  Missi and clay may spend the night with us on Friday night since they are coming from Nashville for just the day.  Since Christmas and Christmas Eve are on Saturday and Sunday as a pastor and wife....we will be busy with Come and Go Communion and church.  We are having a brunch at Amanda's on Christmas Day....and we will drop in after church.  I like my guest to feel welcome when they are at my house...and I hate to see them leave when they go.
2. Walter Elias Disney was born this week back in (Dec 5) 1905...what's your all time favorite Disney movie? Here's a list in case you're struggling...and yes, you have to pick one.
Ok...I will bite.  You all know I don't have just one favorite of anything movie, music I will say the Princess Movies.  That covers a broad spectrum of Disney tales and is only one!  Sometimes I amaze myself with my ability to answer, yet not answer.
3. What's the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact?  I have a bedroom suite that Frank and I purchased right after we got married.  We needed one and I loved the fact that this one was pickled white and elegant looking.  It still is.  The headboard is just way too high and I wish we had opted for the lower one.  We have had it for about 7 years.  I don't usually buy things without having thoroughly thinking the purchase through.
4. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online?  I would say about 50%. I Christmas shop all year long.
5. Amaryllis...snowdrop...poinsettia...your favorite winter blossom?  Amaryllis would be my choice from the selections given.  I really prefer Christmas cactus, then poinsettias, and then snowdrops.  I love blooming plants year round.
6. What is one thing on your personal wish list this year? I think we all want peace on earth so let's make this an actual item.  I want a 300mm lens for my camera....but to be honest.  I want a year without sorrow.  Since 2009 I have had too much sorrow.  Amanda and I talked about this the other day and decided this is what we both are asking for.
7. If you could only use one word today what would it be?  My word would have to be forgiveness.....for myself....and for others.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  I love pinterest and crafting.  I have become a pinterest addict.  As a matter of fact as soon as I hit posts here I am heading over there to see what I can find today.  My biggest shortcoming is loving crafty things....but not following through with them.  I get real excited about it non stop...and then burn out.  Are you like that?  I will share two of my pinterest projects that I have followed through on.....this time I am taking it slow.  I am shooting for 1 a month....but if time permits....would like to do one a week.  Last night my daughter Kat hosted a cookie swap and the cookies I took were straight off pinterest.  Several of the ladies there also used pinterest recipes.  I made oreo truffles...and let me tell you they were to die for....and only three ingredients ladies!


  1. Your truffles are gorgeous! I'm going to have to look for those. I've made quite a bit from my boards...not all of my creations look precisely like the pins but I give myself A for effort : )

  2. No, you have to pick on Princess!!
    I pray that you have a year with no sorrow. ((HUGS)) Those truffles look delicious. I love Pinterest.

  3. Thanks for your visit. I do hope you have a most joyous year ahead.

  4. Oreo truffles: YUM! How did you get them to look so beautiful?


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