
Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Is Left To Say?

A couple of weeks ago our yearbook teacher came and asked me to write something for Mary.  They knew her time here was limited and they wanted to do something special for her.  I had sent them some pictures earlier.  I sat and stared at my computer and tried to make words come to my head.  I am a writer....but nothing was there.  Finally in the wee hours of the morning two days later I wrote my piece.  Mary died this morning in the wee hours of the morning and I thought I would share this with you all.

Mairsey Dotes (Marnet, Mary), whatever name those who know and love you may have called you. A friendship like ours comes along very seldom in our lives.  You were my soulmate, sister, and the best definition of best friend forever. We have traveled many miles together and along the way we made some wonderful memories.  You have touched many lives with your kind and gentle spirit and I will never be the same because in my life I knew you.  Our journey was too short and there were many things we had to leave undone….but the memories will always be tucked away in my heart.

Go dtí le chéile againn arís, mo char (Until we meet again, my friend)

Now let me tell you briefly about this amazing woman.  I called her Mairsey Dotes (and would sing her the song every time I saw her.  It always made her smile...even towards the end.  I actually sang it to her when I was alone with her yesterday afternoon on my way home.  She was sleeping....but I know her lips moved and I saw a hint of a smile.  Oh yes, she knew I was there.)  Mary was a rad tech at Russell Medical Center for 30 years and somewhere during that time frame decided she wanted to teach Special Ed Science and then regular Science.  (she was still a part-time rad tech because she loved that job too!)  I met her....over 20 years ago and our friendship actually began when we were both hired at BRHS the same year.  Our soul sisterhood began when she fell during a bomb threat and broke her ankle.  I sat on the ground and held her until the ambulance came.  We were inseparable  from that moment on.  She was a sounding board when I was struggling with a divorce....and I was hers.  She was my biggest supporter, biggest fan, and loved me with all her heart.  I felt the same way about her.  Today when you have your moment of silence or prayer time....please pray for Mary's family, her friends, and her students.  Our BRHS staff is saddened for the second time in just a few weeks.  Her death has left a huge hole in the hearts of many people.  This woman made an impact on many lives.  She truly was amazing and I am glad I was able to walk with her for as long as I did.  I will miss you my friend!


  1. Karen, I am so sorry for your loss. What rejoicing there will be when you two are together again. Know we love you.


  2. I'm so sorry for your loss - I'll pray for you & Mary's family & friends.

  3. I have barely stopped crying since you called at 5:45 this morning. My heart is so very heavy...I can't imagine how heavy yours is. I keep telling myself she is free from pain, but that doesn't seem to be helping. Every time I think of her giggle...oh, how I love her giggle...I dissolve into tears. Every time a student hugs my neck and asks how I am...I dissolve into tears.

    I woke at 4 this morning when John got up, and she was on my mind. I was going to ask if I could tag along when you visited her this afternoon.

  4. I have barely stopped crying since you called at 5:45 this morning. My heart is so very heavy...I can't imagine how heavy yours is. I keep telling myself she is free from pain, but that doesn't seem to be helping. Every time I think of her giggle...oh, how I love her giggle...I dissolve into tears. Every time a student hugs my neck and asks how I am...I dissolve into tears.

    I woke at 4 this morning when John got up, and she was on my mind. I was going to ask if I could tag along when you visited her this afternoon.

  5. Ohhhhhh. I'm so very sorry, Karen. What a wonderful person she was and how you will miss her. It's so hard to lose a friend.
    Praying for you and for her family.

  6. Karen, I am so sorry for your loss. ((HUGS)) I will keep you in my prayers along with her family.

  7. This is such a hard time of year to lose someone you love. How wonderful that she lived knowing that she was loved....what a blessing friendships like that are.

  8. I'm so sorry Karen. I enjoyed getting to know Mary thought all of your posts about her.


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