
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas To All!

We had a wonderful breakfast this morning first thing with the Towler family in the house next door.  It was such a warm and wonderful time.  At church Frank read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20 to us this morning at church sitting in this rocker with the children at his feet.  We had the picture made after church.  It was a messy, rainy day but the spirit inside the sanctuary was one of warmth and love.  I am sitting here right now waiting for my daughter to come and spend some time with us.  I have made chili and Mexican cheesy chicken soup for us to share.  I quit making regular Christmas fare several years ago.  I hope we have time to play a game or two.  I hope you are enjoying your families and loved ones today.  Merry Christmas to you all!  


  1. What a lovely pictures. Sounds like a nice day.
    We had a wonderful day.

  2. Great picture of you & Frank! Glad you had a good day!


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